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Survey12/22/06 9:45 AM
Prayerful truth seeker  Find all comments by Prayerful truth seeker
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Michael Hranek from Endicott , New York (are you the same as Mike from New York?) and Name Tagger

Do you seriously believe that Yamil did all those people any good to bring them to a profession of faith?

When are you people ever going to learn that there can be an infinite distance between profession and conversion.

You should learn not to count your chickens before they hatch. A false gospel like Yamil's arminian gospel can only produce wood, hay and stubble, unless God in his sovereignty overrules.

Conversion is the thing to aim at and insist on- and only God can do the changing. Don't assure anyone that they are Christians based merely on their profession unless you want unsaved and deluded professors!! Look for the fruits of conversion - and these are not always evident overnight!

We shall all discover in the end how many deluded professors this false gospel has sent to hell!

Survey12/22/06 7:28 AM
Prayerful truth seeker  Find all comments by Prayerful truth seeker
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Yamil wrote: "Well, thank God for preaching. They will learn the truths of God's word in his time. I did not intend to jam 6 months of discipleship into one hour. Maybe in the fanciful land of the Arminian that is possible"

What hypocrisy! He accuses the calvinists of not including topics like election in every gospel sermon, but wants the liberty of water down his message under the guise of "God teaching in his own time! ..".

Way you go dunderhead from the land of the fanciful arminians!

Survey12/21/06 10:16 AM
Prayerful truth seeker  Find all comments by Prayerful truth seeker
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The only person on this site that keeps using the tag "fanciful land of the Calvinist" is a certain Yamil Luciano - none too clever, is he?

And what do you know - he thinks that with his big brain - [the one thing that marks him out from every other unsaved sinner - because he was bright enough to take advantage of prevenient grace, work it all out and become saved, whereas all the others still in their sins are mere dullards] he can now understand the word of God without any help from the Holy Spirit. What a man! - got to hand it to him

Survey12/20/06 9:58 AM
Prayerful truth seeker  Find all comments by Prayerful truth seeker
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Mike from New York

You said "Well, you know how we heretics are."- Well if I didn't before I do now.

As to the so called pomposity, I presume then that you are referring to my comments (edited out during the permitted 5 minutes) referring to Yamil's so called pastorate. I thought better of it, though I still think that the sentiments expressed are correct. A man purporting to be in the ministry who spends an inordinate amount of time on forums like this, obviously has too much time on his hands! A pastor with too much time on his hands - well what a sad inditement of his ministry!

Just as an aside - are you simply a fan of his, or have you some other ties to him - like you're related?

Survey12/20/06 7:28 AM
Prayerful truth seeker  Find all comments by Prayerful truth seeker
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Mike from New York

Thank you for your 2 cents worth. So the concept that the Holy Spirit has to enlighten the mind for anyone to obtain a true understanding of the Scriptures is "pompous" to you - speaks volumes about you. Seems you too are given over to self determination - more's the pity

Survey12/19/06 7:33 PM
Prayerful truth seeker  Find all comments by Prayerful truth seeker
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You replied: "Try reading the Bible, there is more than sufficient light there"

Ah! This may seem a spiritual answer to you, but you have not even begun the journey.

If what you say is true then why are you so much in the dark?! Maybe the same reason that the Pharisees and Scribes were in the dark. They thought they understood for their much reading!

But the truth is only the Holy Spirit can give light- Hence my prayer, more Light Lord, more Light.

But this would be conceding too much for an arminian like you - why would someone as self determining as you clearly are allow God to be God?

Survey12/19/06 11:22 AM
Prayerful truth seeker  Find all comments by Prayerful truth seeker
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More light Lord, more light!

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