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Survey12/9/07 11:22 PM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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My vote is for option three, but I don't believe that "Pessimistic" is an accurate characterization of that position. Actually, it is quite the opposite. Because I believe that things will wax worse and worse until christ returns, the worse things get, the more hopefull I get that His return is drawing near.

Survey5/12/07 11:51 PM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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A survey of periodical literature over the past 150 years or so shows,first, that around 1850 there began a concerted effort to get women into men's clothing. It also shows that those in fashion still regard pants as men's clothing. Consider these titles: "Why A Woman Likes to Dress Like a Man," Vogue, 4/83; "The Power of Pants," Harper's Bazaar, 8/86; "Boy Meets Girl: Wearing Men's Clothes," Teen, 10/96; "Men's Clothing for Women," New York Times Magazine,9/14/86; "Boyish Good Looks:Menswear for Women," Vogue, 2/89. There are more, but these titles demonstrate that those into fashion don't deny the movement of women into men's garments. They also show that those behind the push to get women into men's clothing have prevailed. Christian women in pants is not the result of a coming of age into the liberty of Christ, but the result of following the lead of feminism. This is good reason for Christian women to back peddle, repent of sins of their fathers and their mothers, and get back into dresses.

Survey5/12/07 10:16 PM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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Actually, I don't think I worry too much about volume. I just want the people in my part to be able to hear. Here is an idea: As the waiter or waitress (I will not say wait person) if he or she has any prayer requests. I have been happily surprised by the response. A neat way to minister.

Survey5/12/07 10:05 PM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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(This survey is no longer available)
Our neighbors to the north are not suffering greatly, and they did not rebell. I suppose it could be argued that they rode into blessing on the coat tails of our revolution. ??? Nevertheless,revolution doesn't seem to fit into the NT sceme of things. The Boston Tea Party certainly was not done out of a passion for obeying God's Word. To steal property and throw it into Boston Harbor is wrong for whatever cause, and such behavior should be viewed as a national embarrassment, not a great moment of patriotism. It is not the kind of thing you would expect out of a Christian nation.

Survey5/12/07 9:48 PM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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U am amazed by the fact that 63% of people voting believe that the head covering is biblical. I am one. So who are these people. Where are they. Do lots of Mennonites visit this SermonAudio.com? We are not Mennonite, and, with the exception of a sort time in one church, we have always been the minority -- not in the minority, but the minority. My puzzlement is that if 63% percent of the folks who come to this site believe head coverings are biblical, where are all the covered ladies? I'm
very curious. Any one have any thoughts?

Survey5/12/07 2:56 AM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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It has to be a kiss, because a kiss is a kiss, not a hand shake or a hug. It is a kiss without lust, or else it wouldn't be holy. Cheek to cheek or mouth to mouth, either way seems to fit the bill. Man to man, woman to woman, because it is good for a man not to touch a woman.

Survey5/12/07 12:54 AM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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I haven't figured out the Sabbath issue yet. However, the fact that I am saved by grace and am under grace rather than law does not mean I have liberty in Christ to murder, lie, steal, cheat on my wife, love God with less than with all my heart, or dishonor my parents.I have always been baffled by this discussion. How can we possibly believe that the ten commandments are not binding on believers when Revelation 22:14 and 15 says that "they that do his commandments" will "have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates of the city" but "without. . . are murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maket a lie"? I am sure that Paul was not making a mere suggestion when he wrote, "Honor thy father and thy mother, which is the firet commandment with promise." The great Apostle of Grace new quite well that we are not under law but under grace, and yet he didn't have a problem appealing to the law as if it is binding. I think Paul has often been seriously misread and misrepresented.

Survey5/12/07 12:19 AM
Richard Barber | Kalamazoo, Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Barber
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There are times when some arrangements might be needed for little children without families or for families that need help in getting their children in order, but generally I like it when all ages are present in services. Jesus had no problem with children aroung when he preached. Children hear grown men pray and maybe weep in a regular church service. They get to sing great classic hymns (depending on what church they go to). They get to hear sound doctrine preached out of the Bible, I will never forget sitting next to my Dad in church. The pastor's words flew over the top of my head for the most part, but all things considered -- the singing, the praying, the preaching, having to sit still, etc... -- it was being in church with my dad and mom that I remember fondly, not the stuff for little kids.

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