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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-5 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -26 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-30 hrs 
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Survey12/16/08 8:37 PM
S Jefferson | Maryland  Find all comments by S Jefferson
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There's a push for a new Constitutional Convention (Con-Con), I believe that 32 states have signed on and only 2 are needed. A few states rescinded there votes, but I don't know offhand if the Constitution itself acknowlegdes rescinded votes.

The point is this: if today's contra-Christian mood carries a Con-Con, it will carry out several amendments with it, and be certain that the first and second will be the first two to go.

For those who are afraid of guns or believe that they are unbiblical, remember that keeping and bearing arms doesn't require you to be a warmonger or invader. The provision is designed for the people's protection against criminal individuals, groups, and governments. I don't PERSONALLY know a a gun owner who had to shoot anyone (I know OF a few), but I do know (at least here in Baltimore) that crooks don't break into houses where it's known that the inhabitants not only have weapons, but know how to use them.

The fact that FEMA and the US Military disarmed law-abiding citizens during Katrina was telling. They disarmed people who were not even in the flooded areas! A tyrannical gov't will always disarm the public and install a police state, and that's what's happening here folks. Pray about it, then do something about it ... while you still can...

News Item12/16/08 8:22 PM
S Jefferson | Maryland  Find all comments by S Jefferson
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There are only two possibilities for world government: one with God as the head (Christ) and one with man as the head. A One World government headed by men will ALWAYS be dictatorial in nature.
Look what's happening in America.
The FBI, in its "If You Encounter" pamphlet - circulated to various law enforcement districts - included in its descriptions of potential terror suspects "Defenders of the US Constitution against federal government and the UN." If the Constitution can't be defended by citizens, then when the gov't (or then UN) encroaches it, kiss your liberties goodbye.
God-given rights will become State-sanctioned privileges.
God-given privileges will become Government-granted exemptions.
This includes your right to praise and worship God, to witness for Jesus to the lost, maybe even to carry your Bible in public.

You think it can't happen here?
That's what they thought in China.
That's what they thought in Russia.
That's what they thought in Germany.
And that's what they were thinking until recently in Iceland and Greece.

The police are being militarized, and military units are being moved into the US under NORTHCOM.

Wake up my fellow Christians! The time to pray, speak out, and get busy is now, for the night cometh, when no man can work...

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