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Sermon God of Truth Who Is Truth | Wayne Conrad
"Great Sermon!"
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Sermon9/22/2024 5:30 PM
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“ Yes! Amen! ”

Sermon4/3/2023 12:30 PM
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The True Significance of The Rainbow Sign
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
“ Great Sermon! ”
IMHO, A must hear sermon on this topic. The beautiful rainbow sign from the LORD does not belong to the perverse and their gods of perversion. Why are we, salt and light, allowing this to carry on - as if, business as usual?

Sermon12/25/2022 10:24 AM
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Halloween and Holidays
Mike Reid
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you! This is probably one of the best sermons for those who are pro or con in their views on this, not so insignificant,topic-Badly needed in an age of compromise and apostasy.

Sermon11/6/2022 10:03 PM
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The Agency of The Spirit
Rev. John Greer
“ Truly Blessed by this sermon ! ”
Very VERY grateful for the Holy Spirit of God and this sermon. Every blessing in Christ be upon this church.

News Item1/8/2020 6:06 AM
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Melanin levels are no valuable barometers for that which is spiritually discerned.
What is evident,is that many "Christians" are falling into apostasy.
It doesn't look like that there is any turning back now.

News Item1/6/2020 6:22 AM
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Douglas, are you referring to the religion of the "masses"? Most secular newspapers are all pretty much run by the same people.
Most,probably,all are junk "food" that is tainted, at that. I am sure that they won't omit "christmas" and "easter" in their publications as they are very precious to those who are carnal.
The true word of God would be most unwelcome unless it is dispersed amid false doctrine and easy believism...something that is getting to be a trend on a lot of Christian radio stations..probably, all run by the same people.

News Item1/1/2020 5:54 AM
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Dr.Tim...if we go by Scripture alone, we will see that no one who followed Christ PRACTICED an annual observation of His Incarnation. No,NOT ONE.
We were told to glory ONLY in the cross.
We were told also how to remember Christ.
We were warned of following after holy days.. whioh makes a lot of sense,given that those who are saved have Christ in them.
Based on Scripture alone, it is foolish to go along with the festivities.
Even if you want to go along with a change of history from an outside resource, or history which you perceive as true, it is rather "coincidental" that the RCs love "christMAS" and that most of the carols written by THEM and others which Christians love to sing focus on a baby in a manger with Mary with many lyrics and ideas in them which are false.
One lie is NO GOOD and the general populace is not totally ignorant of the poetic license in such.

News Item12/31/19 1:58 PM
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True, John. Narrow is the way...
I think that here in the usa ecumenism was a result of compromise.
One would be hard pressed to call the nation "Christian". Adultery and promiscuity have pretty much driven us for many decades and has been and is now all the more glamorized. We don't even blush at the attire of sports teams. Frankly, sports here are idols. Cheating songs have pretty much ruled the airwaves for a very long time. One can see how an older show even like "Andy Griffith" became more liberal with each successive series.
Carnality is a breeding ground for the ecumenical movement.
We are pretty much ruled over by those things which we have loved. It's very difficult to object to sodomy, for example, when one has winked at promiscuity, adultery, and sexual immorality within the heterosexual community. Women wanted their liberty and now most have to be in the work force. Most men are still playing around and are absent...etc

News Item12/30/19 1:53 PM
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It's all paving the way for apostasy..no surprise. It is disheartening to see the church fall into the snares of compromise through media choices and entertainment.
I think that it is so much easier to fall into traps today. We have more preachers and resources than ever but fewer solid teaching. I really do appreciate the solid teachers and brethren who are more discerning. I need the Word to feed on and to better direct others.
It really is becoming more difficult to distinguish the church and the world. It seems that we have that "unplugged" mentality that if there is some small value in our entertainment/lifestyle choices then it trumps all of the other garbage contained therein. I can't imagine any of the followers of Christ in Scripture even considering most things towhich we don't even give a second thought.

News Item12/30/19 12:07 PM
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...always appreciate your insight, John.
The sad thing is that many are well meaning but we know how that plays out in Scripture as well..
If we just stick to the Word...we would not be practicing "christmas" or "easter" as there are no followers of Christ who did.
When in doubt, go back to the ONLY standard.
Otherwise, we open the door to poetic license and subjectivity something unbelievers can see through very quickly.
So many ask...where is that in the Bible?

News Item12/30/19 9:34 AM
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A significant event in the Bible does not give the church authority to do with it that which they will. God was very specific as to details of how we were to remember Him.
If we are looking to other sources than Scripture to defend man made holy days...we need to examine what it is that we love more than God.
If we compare the modern day Christian to the followers of Christ in the Bible, we will find great discrepancy regarding their walk.
Yes, John...a little compromise ...a little leaven..and I'm not sure that there will ever be any turning back to following the Word...just. ultimately, apostasy.
Why would Christians want to observe days that the Apostles didn't?
We are not RCs . We are not Jewish.
If we follow after man, incl. the false church, we, essentially, make the cross of none effect.
Apparently ..for some, it wasn't finished at the work of the cross..of course, we will wait for spring to observe our Passover... C and E Christianity..and we wonder why a vast majority of the lost just show up at church 2 days a year.
Thank you, Unprofitable...God is my helper where there is none.
Appreciate prayers
...Have not received any emails..still seeking counsel and Wisdom

News Item12/30/19 9:13 AM
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(Galatians 4:9-10), and in Colossians 2:14-16 Shadows became unnecessary at the cross. When Paul speaks of not letting others judge in regards to days, months and years, that is, feast days, (holydays) monthly new moon festivals and yearly sabbaths such as Passover, it was not to encourage the disciples to continue in the weak and beggarly but rather to abstain and not be influenced by those who still did.
And, of oourse, the obvious...they did not have appointed days to observe His Incarnation... Did you all forget how we were told to remember Him?
The RC church instituted the faux holy days..do we follow Rome or the Word?

News Item12/29/19 12:11 PM
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He could always make a motion for it to be called... "kris (kringle) mass" or " mass mess", "gift and gathering" day (could exchange "gag" gifts) or..just call it what it is.. "winter break"
a rose by any other name is still a rose.
Christ doesn't NEED defended in His Incarnation..
His Word is sufficient. This is the problem and backlash of syncretism...so, Christians who want to defend "christmas" need to eat the fruits thereof in imposing Christ into it and following Rome.
More compromise and deception to escalate...

News Item12/29/19 12:04 PM
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Dr. Tim...there are, however, many examples of what God hates regarding devised "holy days"..also, the warning of not adding to Scripture or taking that which is pagan and giving it a christian spin.
Specifics are unnecessary in Scripture when there are clearly laid out principles.
The church has and had no authority for instituting their own holy day.

News Item12/29/19 11:56 AM
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We have the substance...we don't need the shadow.
Easter in the kjv is not the resurrection of Christ but that's how the devil's church instituted it for us. Again, no practice of observing one day a year as the Lord's resurrection in the Bible..
We are not Jewish and we were told, specifically, how to remember Christ..it is not in christianized pagan days or Jewish holy days.
Christ is not honored by such nor is the world more readily transformed.

News Item12/28/19 1:10 PM
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Buckeyes...problem is that we just can't find that PRACTICE of "christmas" in Scripture..by those who followed Christ. We, of course, find what is the "christmas" tree.
I would think that because of the significance of His Incarnation, that we would not COMPROMISE and use it as an excuse to celebrate. COMPROMISE, because we were not given what would be very important- the date, and use the one for the winter solstice...which we were explicitly, warned of..and He, was risen after all..His 2nd coming has nothing to do with a manger.
For those who love to tell the account of His Incarnation, they can always include it in the whole Gospel year round.
Serving ourselves and going through the motions of serving others this one time of the year really has nothing to do with Christ which is probably why we will always be bombarded with programs and sermons on how to survive "christmas" especially by Christians..sad commentary on the worship of our Lord..squeezing Him in there somewhere.
It's always best to heed the warnings in Scripture. Using poetic license in worship, when not grounded in Scripture, is nothing short of a lie...incl. adding to

News Item12/28/19 12:56 PM
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It's a show alright...and right in time for the winter solstice..they may give another one following the first full moon after the vernal equinox too...following the lead of the days,times and moons

News Item12/27/19 4:46 AM
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This is no small matter! No one will lose their salvation for celebrating BUT Christians who do partake have made it so much easier for deception and compromise to rule. They have gone along with a date, set by the church of the devil, no less, to dictate how to worship for a season...allowing the season and days to determine what to preach while imposing this on the populace. The end result is a mix of paganism and "christianity"..so God gives us, in our faces, object displays of what we look like..drive down the street, turn on any media and what do you see? santa and a nativity scene TOGETHER... anybody getting this? And, because we insist on lying to the people and telling them that Jesus is the reason, we have set ourselves up to be imposed upon..which is what we have which will wax worse.. This is why sodomites and liberal ideas have taken over. This is why "christian" groups of psychologists like fotf can use their make believe children's stories and use liberty in changing history in regards to "christmas" while tugging at the heart strings. Don't be surprised when you see the fruits of compromise and subjectivity.

News Item12/26/19 12:24 PM
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I posted this here around 6am est but ..I'll try again,,didn't show up
..still getting through with very naturally limited resources,,which is a miracle..still needing God to get me through these next 4 days especially
...further thoughts on this topic... which B Mc and John have very well so addressed
Paul did say that it was only the cross in which he gloried ..
"christmas" is a stumbling block
We are saved by His Word and by His Spirit ALONE not by man-made holy days or "m c". Spouting off "m c" to people is more offensive than anything else. Those who do believe that Jesus was Incarnated still are left with the misconception that we are all saved just because He came to Earth.
Christian radio stations say things like "have a meaningful and magical christmas".
Magic? Not good. ..probably well meaning.
Honestly,listening to even the more sound preachers during this time of the year constantly cramming "christmas" into their sermons is annoying. Most all of them could side step that word and that concept ..could be more effective if they just gave the account of His Incarnation if that is how they are so led. The event is significant and should be preached on along with everything else in His Word but, definitely, should not be used as an alternative worship celebration

News Item12/25/19 12:49 PM
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The problem is mixing the Lord up with that which was pagan to begin with.
There are many examples in Scripture warning us of taking that which was given for worship and changing it (Jeroboam devising his own day to worship, for example, causing Israel to sin)...or using that which is pagan tradition (the world's days) and trying to christianize them.
It would be best to drop the word "christmas"...because it is using God's name in vain and encouraging others to follow suit. Meaning well doesn't make up for error. Remember the fellow who reached out to keep the Ark from slipping.
No one in Scripture practiced this or would have gone along with it.
And..esteeming one day of the week over another probably doesn't include man made holy days but rather a particular day of the week.
Clearly, Paul was afraid for those who should have known better in observing times...which most Christians will do again the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
Part of the truth, with any deviance at all, incl. an arbitrary date, diminishes the Word. Many unbelievers stumble over this.
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