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Sermon3/6/10 4:20 PM
Scott Maxwell | SW Colorado  Find all comments by Scott Maxwell
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A Door of Hope
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! ”

Survey1/2/10 8:35 PM
Scott Maxwell | SW Colorado  Go to homepageFind all comments by Scott Maxwell
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Mike wrote:
How did Nimrod get himself born on December 25th without the Roman calendar?
Good Question - Supposedly his birthday was celebrated on the last day of the winter solstice celebration of the "sun god" which apparently is on Dec 25th.

Survey1/2/10 11:15 AM
Scott Maxwell | SW Colorado  Go to homepageFind all comments by Scott Maxwell
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I would encourage all Christians to take a good hard look at this and pray for wisdom. Start by reading Jer 10:1-5 (make sure to read it in the KJV) I have done the research and yes, he is talking about the custom of Christmas trees, or as you will discover, "Nimrod Tree" is a more appropriate description. Nimrod was the grandson of Noah who led a mass apostasy against God. He was the source of almost every false god (Baal)and Pagan tradition, including most Christmas customs and traditions. Dec. 25th was his birthday, not Christs. Christmas is a pagan celebration of Baal that was absorbed into the Roman Catholic Church. Scripture does not tell us to celebrate Christs birthday, if this was important, wouldn't he tell us when his birthday was? Rather, Jesus says in Matt 15:3 "Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?" Also in Matt 15 : 8-9 he says “ This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

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