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Sermon9/10/2020 7:26 PM
Scottie | Ohio  Find all comments by Scottie
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Interview With Bill Gothard
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
I would just like to say that the purpose of 'hard' preaching is to have the hearer examine themselves in light of what is being said. If it isn't for you, ignore it and move on. Only a guilty conscience is offended by it. Also, to equate behavior modification with legalism is silly for two reasons. No one in any church I have ever been a member of has been disciplined for failing to follow 'authoritarian' preaching. Two, if preaching never modifies your behavior, what good is it? Lastly, I believe we should have grace with all men as much as possible, exactly because they are men. It is tragic that we often judge good men by their worst moments.

News Item5/9/10 11:33 AM
Scottie | Scotland, U.K.  Find all comments by Scottie
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This is disgraceful and should not be allowed. This so-called fan page should be closed down. It is totally unacceptable and unChristian to pray for the death of anyone-even an enemy- far less the leader of the nation. These nutcases are not worthy of him.

News Item4/27/09 5:31 PM
Scottie | Scotland  Find all comments by Scottie
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In fairness to the Church of Scotland, we ought to remember that"Life and Work" enjoys complete editorial independence and does not represent the views of the Church as a whole.Having said that , it will be interesting to see how the General Assembly of the Church will deal with the matter next month.

Survey12/2/07 3:49 PM
Scottie | UK  Find all comments by Scottie
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Is that 10% before or after tax?

In the OT the tithe was the ONLY tax!

If we had the option of giving time instead of $ would the church accept it?

Despite being in a salaried post I am just keeping my bank balance in the black. Utility bills, insurance and government taxes are going up all the time. In the UK we work for the Government from 1 January until 1st June. Only after that do we start to earn for ourselves (http://www.adamsmith.org/tax/Tax%20Freedom%20Day/History.html)

Does this seem right to you?

Paul was a tent-maker/preacher who I don't believe ever charged expenses.

What running costs did the primitive church have? Looking after the orphans and widows - have we not handed that over to the state?

In my experience most churches are seeking government handouts to take back some of this work! To "qualify" for charitable status we need a social outreach programme.

Tithing is Old Covenant. As a NT believer I am responsible for how I spend all 100% of my salary NOT 10%.

Church I am in now has ~25 households and a full time Pastor who cannot visit them on an annual basis. NT Paul/Saul was often part time (tent making)but you bet he would have visited us at least once in 12 months if he was my Pastor!

News Item5/10/07 2:57 PM
Scottie | Alba  Find all comments by Scottie
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Neil Tucson
On Gordon Brown

"There is also a secret lurking in this quadrant of the family tree. John Henderson Souter's father-in-law - another great-grandfather of Brown's - appears to be the illegitimate, son of Alexander James Mason, an English surgeon practising in Scotland in the 1840s and 1850s.

Despite all the column inches devoted in the press to Gordon Brown's Scottish ancestry, there is at least a small percentage of English blood flowing through his veins."

Feelthy english imposter.

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