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Sermon3/12/10 10:22 PM
Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti | Norfolk, Virginia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti
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Trials teach us to trust God
Pastor David Roth
“ Great Sermon! ”
I found this to be a wonderful sermon that explains another reason, other than punishment for sin, for trials and hard times in my life.

Survey3/9/10 9:36 PM
Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti | Norfolk, Virginia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti
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I think that it is only for men to preach.

Survey3/9/10 9:25 PM
Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti | Norfolk, Virginia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti
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I was in Northern Virginia at a Department of the Army 'BOSS' conference. I was fifteen minutes away from the Pentagon, as a car drives. I was scheduled to tour the Pentagon on the next day. I thank God I was not scheduled to tour the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. When I saw the live news broadcast on the big conference screen...I became infuriated.

Survey3/9/10 9:06 PM
Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti | Norfolk, Virginia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti
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I fast once a week to remind myself to turn to God for spiritual nourishment and satisfaction instead of turning to food. I used to be an over-eater and am now in the program 'The Lord's Table' at www.settingcaptivesfree.com

Survey3/9/10 8:51 PM
Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti | Norfolk, Virginia  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Stephanie DeAyala-Larragoiti
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Girl wrote:
I agree with women wearing hats and/or covering in church, but I don't agree that it's to show their 'subjection to men'. It is to show they are under the authority AND protetion of either their father or thier husband, and certainly not ALL MEN as is implied here. Women may be subject to A man, but not ALL men, otherwise we would end up like the catholics, who teach their women that whatever the priest says for you to do must be right, and you cannot do wrong in doing it. This opens a very dangerous door, to my mind.
hmm. Interesting. I always thought that this was to show subjection to God. Maybe I'm wrong in that. What about the single fatherless woman. I would think she should not wear a headcovering. Just speculating.

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