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Survey12/21/07 3:58 PM
stephen johnson | england  Find all comments by stephen johnson
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Sometimes the example of Abraham and Jacob are used to impose tithing on believers as both these men tithed before the law was given. These men also made animal sacrifices and were circumcised. Clearly then we are not in the dispensation of the patriarchs.

Another argument comes from Mathhew ch23 where Jesus {in speaking of the Pharisees tithing but omitting the weightier matters of the law} says this ought ye to have done and not left the other undone. A simple look at the context shows this does not put tithing onto the christian. In verse one Jesus says the Pharisees sit in the seat of Moses. All they say, do. Clearly this is a command to Jews under the law and belongs to those under the law. Not to christians.

News Item12/21/07 3:43 PM
Stephen Johnson | England  Find all comments by Stephen Johnson
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So the pope is offering people a way to get through purgatory earlier and be washed of their sins. How more obvious can it get that this guy is a full on heretic preaching a false gospel and another way of salvation? This man goes even further than teaching error, he actually claims the power to get people to heaven.

If this was some small religious group they would be easily dismissed as a cult yet because it's the Roman Catholic church many are joining up in the name of ecumenism and saying these guys are preaching the same gospel.

This is the man and organisation who have systematically covered up and protected paedophile priests around the world. {and I'm not talking about the occassional event here. It is endemic}. Secular authorities and courts around the world have stood in judgement of the Roman church and yet the supposed christian church will not or cannot judge them. What a sad state of affairs that is.

God bless those saints who have the integrity and moral decency to stand against this wicked and corrupt organisation.

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