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News Item12/22/07 10:46 AM
Sue Sue | WV  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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This is so disturbing, especially when
you have grandchildren growing up in
this wicked day. I tell mine at every
opportunity about this wicked sin and
try to warn. All else is in God's hand.

Every day we hear of another who has
come out of the "closet". I agree with
Bob O; they should at least have the
decency to hide their perversion.

I am an older lady and in my youth this
was not even mentioned about girls. Of
course, there was an occasional mention
of a man or two who did these horrible
things. This like all other sins carries no shame anymore....

News Item11/5/07 7:01 AM
Sue Sue | WV  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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terry evans wrote:

And I know people that can drive better after a few drinks, whats the point, tv is good to watch?
Ever wonder how much better off, flesh wise and spiritualy they might have been without the tv, same is true with most christians, they get puffed up on a few verses and dive into the great works of man, or one man, thats how alot of denominations got there name, I wonder, would there be less division(denominations) in the church, if the Bible did not have the verses numbered.
A ? no disrespect intended, why do you seem to advocate letting children watch tv?
I was not advocating allowing children
to watch TV; I was just making a point.
By the way, I just recently bought a
bible that does not have the verses
numbered; I really appreciate it as
my study bible. (Application Study

Anyway, I guess I opened a can of worms. Best to let the parents rule.

God Bless.

News Item11/4/07 7:50 AM
Sue Sue | WV  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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We did not have TV as children; we just
played outside until dark...

It would be kind of dangerous to let
our childen and grandchilden do that
in our present day...

As far as TV, my son did his homework
while watching and is now a medical
doctor. Something to think about.

Survey10/16/07 10:28 PM
Sue Sue | WV  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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Is it mentally healthly to home school
and not let them have any outside
interaction with other children or
teenagers? I know of such a case and
am just concerned for these young
people when they are forced into this
cruel wicked world.... Can we really
protect our children to that point
and not expect disaster??? These
parents think their children are
guaranteed SALVATION and have said
that just because they are being
home schooled... In my opinion these
parents have demonstrated mental problems and are causing great damage
to their children (not because of
home schooling but because of complete
separation from others). Just curious
if there are any comments.
Thank you.

News Item10/10/07 9:37 PM
Sue Sue | WV  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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What a joke!

News Item10/10/07 9:33 PM
Sue Sue | WV  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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Does this surprise anyone???

Survey9/22/07 10:53 PM
Sue Sue | WV  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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Why do they use the word "GAY"? This
is absolute hypocrisy.

They should call it what is is: 'FAG',
'Queer' and 'Sodomy'

What in the world is wrong with
anyone who believes this? Romans
teaches that God has given them up to
uncleanness through the lust of
their own hearts, to dishonour their
own bodies between themselves with
vile affections. "PURE LUST"

I have no tolerance for this sin or
for anyone who endorses it.

News Item9/20/07 10:44 PM
Sue Sue | West Virginia  Find all comments by Sue Sue
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My first marriage ended after twenty-
two years with the death of my precious
husband. God has blessed me with a
second marriage of twenty years to a
another precious Christian man.

I cannot understand why people do not
take their marriage seriously. One
thing I know for sure is that the
children and grandparents are the ones
who suffer when divorce occurs. I
know that because I am a grandparent
victim. It has been a grief worse than
the deaths of my first husband, mother,
and dad.

If it be God's will and we live, my
second husband and I will celebrate our
25th anniversary in five years. We live for each other and that is how it
must be in order to survive the trials
of this life.

My prayer is that this comment might
help someone who is ready to give up
on their marriage.. Please think about
your children and your parents....

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