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News Item7/30/10 12:19 AM
Susanna | US  Find all comments by Susanna
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I pray the Lord emboldens more pastors with love enough for Christ that they will preach BUT IF NOT - How to React To Ungodly Rulers with balance and Biblical understanding as Troy Sheppard has on this site. We live in perilous times..and I have sinned grievously against He that sitteth upon the throne by having fear of man. Lord send laborers into the harvest!

Sermon7/21/10 3:42 PM
susanna | australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by susanna
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Seeing Ghosts
Dr. Paul Tripp
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank you for this message...starting my day with renewed hope

Survey5/7/08 2:50 PM
Susanna | Northampton, England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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Michael Hranek wrote:
What a heartbreaking thing to hear. You will be in our prayers and hopefully of others on SermonAudio as well.
Personally I know times in my life when I did not have a pastor (it is increasingly hard to find a faithful pastor in these days) and I so appreciate the Lord that His grace was more than sufficient then and now. And I am so thankful that He kept me out of the hands of the multiple wolves in sheep's clothing.
Sorry, i didnt mean it quite like that. i dont have a pastor because my church is shepherded by a group of 4 elders, not one single man. I belong to a Gospel Hall in England. Thankyou for your concern.

Survey4/28/08 1:17 PM
Susanna | UK  Find all comments by Susanna
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i dont have a pastor.

Survey4/17/08 7:17 AM
Susanna | Northampton, England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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£1.10 per litre

Survey3/31/07 5:08 PM
Susanna | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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You who love me, obey my commandments

Survey3/31/07 5:03 PM
Susanna | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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I have an iPod but i only have about 5 sermons on it.

Survey3/31/07 5:00 PM
Susanna | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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Ich bin ein fabbel taschentischer

Survey3/31/07 4:42 PM
Susanna | UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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I am educated at a public school and i wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy being at school, it is the best part of my week. It teaches you patience and socialises you for the workplace.

I was also bullied for 3 years but I learnt how to endure the bullying and I also managed to forgive the bullies of which some are now my friends.

I was taught about Christianity in RE lessons and most of my RE GCSE was on Christianity, I have never been taught about evolution.

News Item3/25/07 3:44 PM
Susanna | Northampton, UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Susanna
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Homosexuality has absolutely nothing to do with breastfeeding, and even if it did, you have no right to go around telling other people how to bring up their children.

My sister had milk from a bottle until she was 3, are you suggesting that she should have been breastfed until the age of 3?

I read this article yesterday, and I also went through and read all the comments, and it is clear that you have no idea what you are talking about, and nothing from the Bible to back it up. I have never heard of an 'anti-breastfeeder', this is because most people mind their own business when it comes to other people's children.

News Item12/6/06 9:04 AM
Susanna | asia  Find all comments by Susanna
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Got the point brother !
Although I would also be interested to hear others view on the `original` point.
Anyway, I believe it`s not wrong or sin to celebrate Christmas, unless it includes worshipping statues, Virgin Mary or any other idols. I think in this question Romans 14 applies:
Romans 14:5-6
"One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day [alike]. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. (6) He that regardeth the day, regardeth [it] unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard [it]. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks."

News Item12/5/06 2:10 PM
Susanna | asia  Find all comments by Susanna
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I think that the point in this article is not if it`s okay or not okay to celebrate christmas, it is: why they ban `chrisitan` (at least according to their view christian) things in a free country? In order not to offend people of other religions, they remove anything that is connected to religion. I think it shows the wrong humanistic give-up-religion for unity kind of direction America is taking.

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