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Survey11/25/09 1:13 AM
TWhitehead | Toowoomba, QLD Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by TWhitehead
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Eric wrote:
I would think that is because they don't allow anything but "positive" comments. I just listened to a sermon that was full of inaccuracies. I tried to leave a comment explaining that, but then saw their disclaimer. If you are going to allow comments, then ALL comments (except profane stuff) needs to be allowed. Not allowing people to point out errors, especially Biblical ones, does NOT help the site at all. False doctrine can easily be taught, misrepresentations of the Bible can get out, etc. Please, you need to fix this. I saw this site advertised in a very conservative magazine, but after ONE sermon I don't have much trust in it.
While I don't pretend to know everything about this site, I would say that aloowing negative comments regarding doctrinal error is risky in that, while you might be one person who thinks its error, someone else might not think the same. This is my opinion based on this post ALONE and not on your findings. If there truly is error there, then I would encourage it to be rectified or at least your opinion be heard in accordance with the rules. But again, I don't know what you've heard or found but this is my suggestion as to why they haven't allowed your comment. Thoughts?

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