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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-7 hrs 
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Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-32 hrs 
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Survey9/13/10 2:56 PM
theoldpaths  Find all comments by theoldpaths
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John UK wrote:
Not yet bro, but it's now booked into a 62 min slot tomorrow, Deo Volente.
It has to be good as it is a Free Church of Scotland Continuing Minister who wrote...[URL=http://www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org/site/articles/A121.pdf]]]Which Version Does It Really Matter?[/URL]

Survey2/8/09 9:21 AM
The Old Paths  Find all comments by The Old Paths
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Maybe you should read 'Why were our Reformers Burned' by J C Ryle.

My point sin't about Calvin etc it is about modern evangelicals revising what was held by the majority of believers in the persecuted church, copy and paste and read and weep


Spurgeon and Whitefield held to that scriptural identity of Antichrist. My point is how such is no longer held by the majority who claim to be Reformed and hold to the WCF, a majority who will know little of persecution. I know you don't hold to such and was ignorant of your comments to DJC49 when I posted such, my point was REVISIONISM BY THE MODREN REFORMED NONE PERSECUTED CHURCH.

Brethren in Pakistan and other Muslim countries who convert to Christ can speak of persecution, but I am sure few in the west have to fear torture and death? Read how the REFORMERS DIED and I don't think we'll be speaking too much about our own injustices/persecution.

I read that some think Ombama is the Antichrist...that's where revisionism takes the church.

John is right...really preach the truth like the Apostles and the REFORMERS and turn the world up side down and then see what persecution is all about. A faithful church will indeed suffer persecution.

Survey2/8/09 8:12 AM
The Old Paths  Find all comments by The Old Paths
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"What the X-Rated 1647 Westminster Confession Unashamedly Said
In 1534, William Tyndale identified and exposed the papal Antichrist in his annotated New Testament. In 1602, the Geneva Bible translators identified and exposed the papal Antichrist. In 1611, the King James Bible translators identified and exposed the papal Antichrist. In 1647, the Westminster divines identified and exposed the papal Antichrist in no uncertain terms. Today that same confession has been snipped, trimmed, excised and edited for PG consumption...to earn a lukewarm 'G' rating, offensive to no one, not even sinners. WARNING!! The following citation may offend small-minded adults, children and the ignorant in Christ:
"There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense be the head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God."

What think ye? The above from a persecuted church or modern evangelical revision with minimal/no persecution

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