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News Item10/13/2020 2:42 PM
Truth Seeker | NY  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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MS wrote:
You’ve been reported to the moderator for your offensive attack on another poster.
Hey Lurker maybe Christian is right?

Sermon1/3/19 10:25 AM
Truth seeker  Find all comments by Truth seeker
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very encouraging to hear this truth!

Blog3/20/17 2:18 AM
Truthseeker | Usa  Find all comments by Truthseeker
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It is so sad that with all this historic
records and facts that people continue to
ignore and be enslaved to the commercial
greed that make them think they are
obligated to celebrate unworthy holidays
that promote lies

Sermon11/7/15 1:43 PM
Truth Seeker  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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“ More! More! ”

News Item10/29/15 8:18 AM
Truth Seeker | USA  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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The link is to the wrong article / Youtube video.

Sermon1/29/15 2:23 PM
Truth Seeker | Texas  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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Do Not Repay Evil for Evil
Brad Baggett
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great pull back into what scripture teaches about submission vs the American ideal of fighting for "our rights". Biblical joy is in submission to Christ and not "our rights". Christ is the prize and our joy.

Sermon8/22/10 10:40 AM
Truth Seeker | Missouri  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Preached in 03, even more relevant today, to all believers! I pray hearts will be broken, lamentation begins, and separation will draw us back to His full power!Thank You for Standing in the Gap!

Sermon1/31/10 3:46 PM
Truth Seeker | Kingwood  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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“ Thanks for addressing an often ignored issue ”
This is a topic so many are afraid to address from the pulpit. Statistics show that the church is losing the first mission field, its kids. (70-80% leave the faith after leaving the home). Dropping your kids for 30-40 hrs a week in an a humanist based institution (kids that aren't even regenerated or still babes in their faith) is a recipe for training up humanist, not Christian Disciples. The Jewish nation always got off course when their children were not properly trained in God's precepts. John Dewey knew if he got our kids he would get the nation and the war in America is being won for the humanist through the schools.

Sermon8/5/09 6:37 PM
Truth Seeker | Kingwood  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for preaching the unpopular truths of a healthy church! More of this is needed to recover our early church roots.

News Item3/26/09 10:03 PM
Truth Seeker | SC Upstate  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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How do we know that these soldiers aren't being eliminated?
We were told Vince Foster committed suicide even though the gun was found in his hand after the shot was fired.

Survey12/19/08 2:51 PM
Truth Seeker  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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John UK wrote:
Truth seeker
I hope you're not calling me a Calvinist.
Even in those who are subsequently saved, there is an initial resisting of the Holy Ghost, simply because of their spiritual deadness. But you will find that in every instance of every person in heaven, the gracious God eventually broke through with saving grace, granting life through the new birth, and repentance and faith where previously there had been rebellion and unbelief. Sure enough, God can and does do it. To him be praise and glory.
I'm going back to lurking mode.

God Bless.

Survey12/19/08 2:26 PM
Truth Seeker  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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John UK wrote:
Truth seeker
Sure we must give equal weight to every verse of scripture. This has been my own argument. But scripture does not ever contradict itself. It is all the word of God.
If I believe that Jesus is the 'author and finisher' of my faith, then I cannot fail by way of faith, can I? Therefore whatever the verse in Hebrews is saying, it is not saying it to those who have been gifted faith by the Lord Jesus Christ.
You are missing my argument. All I am saying is that listening to some calvinists you would think that "irristable grace" meant some kind of overpowering by God against one's own will. Many calvinists have, on this very point, opted to call it something else - "effectual grace", "Special grace" etc.

The notion that the Holy Spirit works in such a way that he cannot be resisted is palpable nonsense. Or else how can we be said to grieve him, quench him etc.?

Due proportion and weight to every verse of the Bible please.

Survey12/19/08 1:49 PM
Truth Seeker  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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John UK wrote:
#1 What is button hole theology?
A system of theology which has all the answers - its has a theological button for every theological button hole.

John UK wrote:
#2 What was the Holy Ghost seeking to accomplish in the hearts of those Stephen was preaching to, and who subsequently killed him?
Have you not read Acts 17.30?

John UK wrote:
I see your point, though. If the saints cannot fall away, then how do some 'partake of the Holy Ghost' and then go on to fall away.

It seems to me that God's thoughts and ways are far above ours and we need to give equal weight to verses which present a very real problem to whatever system we hold.

Survey12/19/08 11:42 AM
Truth Seeker  Find all comments by Truth Seeker
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John UK wrote:
.... No, I cannot see that is right. For then his power is resistable by man.
Button hole theology John UK

Acts 7:51 states that they were uncircumcised in heart and ears - in other words that they did not have the heart or the ears to relish the truth being proclaimed. They personally rejected it because it did not suit them- and that therefore this too constitutes part of the their resisting the Holy Ghost!

What do you make of Hebrews 6:4-6? These were made partakers of the Holy Ghost and yet there is a very real danger that they fall away - who failed? And how come, if they were made partakers of the Holy Ghost?

News Item11/30/08 9:31 AM
Truthseeker | Iowa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Truthseeker
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Been a Christain all my life, been listening to FR for about 12 years,looking to hear what others have to say about FR. Just trying to know what is correct. In my opinion Camping is so much deeper and farther ahead of anyone or anything I have read here.

News Item11/6/08 4:45 PM
Truthseeker | dave  Contact via emailFind all comments by Truthseeker
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I am so sick of you Christian Conservatives trying to tell lies about my candidate. This practice of late term abortion is not something Obama would endorse unless a woman's life is in danger. Many of these babies referred to in the article were sick and likely had birth defects. I don't seriously believe that anyone in the medical community would do anything not to keep these baby's alive. It is appauling what Christian conservatives have done to distort the truth the past 8 years and our rate of abortion in this country is no different than under Clinton. I am proud Obama is our president and I feel like our country is no longer in the path of tyranny.

News Item9/8/08 10:48 PM
truth seeker | waiting upon the Lord  Find all comments by truth seeker
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thank you hidemi, i would like to write alot more but i should be doing homework for a night class. The Bible tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from us. Also, we are told in Holy Scripture that we are to acknowledge God in all our ways and He will direct our path. The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord.

Will come back to this later... May God bless and preserve all SA Christian brothers and sisters and bring SA non beleivers to a saving knowledge of Him. With love in Christ..

News Item9/8/08 10:22 PM
truth seeker | waiting upon the Lord  Find all comments by truth seeker
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Our modern concept of representative government, wherein the people choose leaders for themselves, is a direct application of the Reformation theology of Federal Representation and biblical precedent.

The greatest theologians of the Reformation affirmed the doctrine of "federalism" or "representation" based upon the model found in Genesis. In this view, one man stands for the group. Theologically it referred to Adam representing the entire human race (yet unborn) and therefore when he sinned, we all sinned in him. The corollary to this was Jesus being the Second Adam, standing in for His Elect; if we all died in Adam; we are all saved in Christ. Through representation, His death could atone for all His people’s sins (Rms 5:12-19).

The Reformers applied the doctrine of representation to the social and political realm when battling against the "divine right of kings." They saw the biblical office of king as simply one of representation; the king as the supreme executive of a nation has a responsibility to those he represents. Hence, the king was not above the law.

For more info click


News Item9/7/08 4:31 PM
truth seeker | waiting upon the Lord  Find all comments by truth seeker
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rogerant, The American Revolution is grounded in biblical principle. See my post at 9/7/08 1:45

The ministry of Whiterspoon and many other clergymen was key to the American Revolution. Many excellent links are posted on the site referenced by DLF at 9/7/08 2:10. Thank you Daniel.

A beleiver, you state "Earthly government no matter what there constitution serve Satan and not God."

Rom 13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

Rom 13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Survey9/7/08 3:57 PM
truth seeker | waiting upon the Lord  Find all comments by truth seeker
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dare2baware, thanks for the post. Several articles now explain that vitamin c beats bird flu.






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