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News Item2/23/08 1:27 PM
Uncle Raisin | Cyberspace  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Uncle Raisin
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Sycophant, or just plain “sick”
Guns..we don’t need no stinkin’ guns; Yah right?!

Those who lead our culture today are sycophants!

sycophant (n.)A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.

Those they seek to flatter are their peers. To listen to the leaders of the universities, the media talking heads, the blogosphere, the reporters, the politicians, and the rest of that ilk, it would seem they would have us believe those three guns walked up on stage at Cole Hall on the campus of NIU and just started shooting themselves; and worse yet, they pretend the guns weren’t already illegally there…it has to be MORE illegal. They say “we must look into why someone would do this…” and “it came out of nowhere…” and “the guns were bought legally…” and “we need tougher gun control laws…” and on and on the typical drum beat goes. There’s nothing new there.

Something that isn’t new, tragically: the heroic efforts of some student(s) who do a bums-rush on the shooter...

To read the rest, please here:

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item2/9/08 11:08 PM
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Right here in this country a Christian woman is in jail for talking to abortion bound women. Read about it here http://www.uncleraisin.com/UR/iowacity/iocty01.asp

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against INjustice

News Item2/9/08 11:04 PM
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Republicans today hold a difference without distinction compared to Democrats; except the very few like Bob Barr and Ron Paul. The only hope for America is long suffering it appears. Hold on and sit tight as we go for a bumpy ride.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item1/27/08 10:41 AM
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I am surprised SermonAudio Breaking News hasn't picked up the Christian who was arrested, tried and jailed for trumped up charges, Go to:

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item1/19/08 8:20 PM
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Abortions are UP if you consider that life begins at conception. What's the difference if you kill your child at 3 days gestation or 3 months?

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/29/07 7:54 AM
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14. If science uses only "objective" means to test a theory, why do you use your "subject" faculties mind to interpret the data? And, how can I avoid using my "subjective" faculties of mind to interpret your "subjective" interpretations of "objective" things?

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Agianst Injustice

News Item12/27/07 12:38 PM
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News Item12/26/07 2:02 PM
Uncle Raisin | Cyber-space  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Uncle Raisin
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Hey, Tony "AntiVaticanistAmerican" Cisneros, from Chicago (and former Republican 4th IL US Congressional condidate) get a job and become responsible so people will hear your opinions with respect. As it is, as people come to know your history, they will begin to show the same distain for you that you show to others that try to help you. I don't know any other way to say it than to say it like it is.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/26/07 1:57 PM
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Hey, Tony "AntiVaticanistAmerican" Cisneros, from Chicago (and former Republican 4th IL US Congressional condidate) get a job and become responsible so people will hear your opinions with respect. As it is, as people come to know your history, they will begin to show the same distain for you that you show to others that try to help you. I don't know any other way to say it than to say it like it is.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/26/07 1:54 PM
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Hey, Tony "AntiVaticanistAmerican" Cisneros, from Chicago (and former Republican 4th IL US Congressional condidate) get a job and become responsible so people will hear your opinions with respect. As it is, as people come to know your history, they will begin to show the same distain for you that you show to others that try to help you. I don't know any other way to say it than to say it like it is.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/22/07 11:24 PM
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You've heard the old saying that "your first instinct is often correct." My first instinct when I heard for the first time that there was such a thing as homosexuality was anger, couple with fear. I distinctly remember thinking that if one of them so much as touched me I would smash their face in.

History has proved me (a child then) right.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/22/07 11:17 PM
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It says something about a person who would leave the teachings of her father, be they spiritual doctrines or political ethics (or otherwise), given the good father she, and everyone else, says he was. If she'd abandon him and his reputation, then there's nothing but hell's fury to look forward to from her.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Agianst Injustice

News Item12/22/07 11:09 PM
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Next thing they'll say is there were no shepherds in their fields either.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/16/07 9:49 AM
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Huckabee speaks a truth here. However, I am hearing people talk in terms of institutions (i.e. church, state, government, etc) instead of on a personal level. Those who are out doing as their duty (to love their neighbor as themself) calls them, don't have time or energy to complain.

"Religion" as James 1:27 defines it, isn't an institutional thing - it is an individual and personal thing. Get busy and stop complaining.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/16/07 9:32 AM
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It is the right of each person to be safe and protected from harm. It follows therefore that each protector has a duty to defend this right to be kept from harm for those under his protection. As such, it is reasonable to either, ignore the laws (as unjust) that preclude you from carrying means to protect yourself and others from harm, or (make it known you will) not visit or purchase from these places that prohibit such protection be carried.

Speak up to those (politicians, business owners, mall operators, sporting complex ownership, etc) who want to put you and yours at risk by exposing you to risk of harm. Face it, we live in a violent world, which risk will only be mitigated by those of us who are duty bound having equal force to those evil aggressors that pose the threat.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/16/07 9:18 AM
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While I certainly can't disagree with the article or it's aim - pointing out the bias of the mainstream news media (and they not mentioning the truth that equal force and equal threat will save more lives) when it comes to arming ourselves with guns. When are we going to stop looking to the media to post out these things? Do what I have done and put up a media site yourself (www.UncleRaisin.com) or stand out on a sidewalk with a big sign that says what the media won't say. Maybe you can print up a simple reference article and hand it out at a busy intersection. Whatever you do, stop complaining and get busy yourself.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/16/07 9:07 AM
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The thing about the Tebow family that is most striking is the advice the doctors gave Mrs Tebow to abort the young man. Of course she refused and the rest is history. The medical community is made of a bunch of men and women who believe in their minds that they know what's best. A powerful lesson we can take from this is that you can create a reality by using your imagination.

Imagine baby-killers on trial.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/8/07 4:11 PM
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In Iowa, Dan and Donna Holman have doggedly folowed Hillary Clinton at over 30 campaign stops around the state. They stand in plain view of those attending, and often directly in the path the motorcade, holding graphic depictions of the results of an abortion labelled "It Takes A Village."

It is not a consequence that she has fallen in the polls. Would she were met similarly (along with all of the proabortion candidates regardless of party affliation) all around the country. The only one I know that is in the Presidential race and on enough ballots to win, is Ron Paul.

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/3/07 7:58 AM
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I don't understand what was so "gutsy" about her appearance? She shows up and talks about how great she is, and how much she has done, and plans to do, about AIDS, then she leaves. What "guts?"

Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

News Item12/3/07 7:51 AM
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There's a reason, which I hear noone talking about, that Hillary is not winning in the polls in IA. Dan and Donna Holman are dogging her campaign stops, and setting up pictures of aborted fetus' so the community can get the connection that "It Takes A Village." These two people are a relentless crew and will stop only when the caucuses are done.


Uncle Raisin
"Raisin" the Standard Against Injustice

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