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"Great Sermon!"
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Sermon2/9/2020 3:12 PM
Wayne Uk  Find all comments by Wayne Uk
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It Shall be well (Sermon Preached at Friston...
Pastor Chalan Hetherington
“ Blessed sermon- a must hear. ”
Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD. Psalm 31: 24 As we walk by faith- yet facing our darkest trials- what a glorious confidence we have here as believers to TRUST 'It shall be well' … I know that it shall be well with them that fear God Ecclesiastes 8: 12

Sermon9/14/14 3:43 PM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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When God's man dies
Rev. Noel Hughes
“ What a great signpost to the Saviour! ”
A fine scriptural tribute to Ian Paisley from a preacher who was personally acquainted with 'the Big Man' and who loved him greatly. Just prior to listening I read another tribute quoting in full Rev Paisley's Sign Post sermon as ever uplifting the Lord Jesus Christ: “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.“ – John 1: 29. http://ilyston.wordpress.com/2014/09/12/remembering-ian-paisley-his-sermon-on-the-gospel-of-the-john-the-baptist/

Sermon9/3/14 11:44 AM
wayneuk  Find all comments by wayneuk
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Having listened to 'WM # 25: Review: Wretched Interview with James White' and followed the same information on your website blog I found this current rejoinder to be vey interesting indeed due to the points that you have graciously raised. It would be interesting to see Dr James White address those points and respond in kind. I am sure this sermon would be of interest to all who take the time to listen carefully.

News Item5/1/14 9:16 AM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Evangelical Protestant Churches ..
Being re baptised wouldn't be the major issue as baptism with water would only be given on a credible profession of faith. A sound church would be more interested in your Christian profession than the actual water baptism itself-or they are not sound churches! Maybe that would be a good thing John? Talking with a Pastor and being certain that your doctrinal understanding is scriptural-but are you willing to learn and grow in the knowledge of the only true God and Saviour Jesus Christ-under a sound ministry? Having fellowship with 'real' believers who can lovingly encourage and correct. Sitting under the sound of the gospel preaching with your family and opportunity to bring neighbours and others. Growing in grace etc.

AS you say you are so 'shy'-well you could always write or email as there must be a sound church somewhere near you? Any listed on SermonAudio?

What is your Christian certainty and assurance that you are 'saved'?

That would be the first question!

News Item4/30/14 4:10 PM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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SteveR wrote:
I didnt disagree
One problem you have as an evangelical is that you are 'anathema' according to Rome because you hold to the truth of Justification by Faith alone. Therefore we must conclude that this can only be the evil fruit of an accursed tree.

Romanism is a cult mixing works with grace-death is in the pot and now is the pot. A false gospel and those who follow are in danger of everlasting perdition. Calling them 'brothers and sisters in Christ' we are the blind leading the blind-the way to hell!

"If any one saith, that the justice [righteousness] received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works; but that the said works are merely the fruits and signs of Justification obtained, but not a cause of the increase thereof; let him be anathema." (Council of Trent, Canons on Justification).

The individual RC needs to hear the Gospel that is 'the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.'

So do many claiming to be ecumenical evangelicals!

As long as you are preaching the said to your RC friends and not leaving them duped as supposed 'brothers'-let them know why you are 'anathema' in Rome's eyes and see where the Holy Spirit then leads the supposed RC Christian. Out of Rome!

News Item4/30/14 1:49 PM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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SteveR wrote:
And therefore we justly say with Paul that we are justified "by faith alone" or by faith "apart from works."^53

That means we are in agreement, but not with Roman Catholicism!


If so, how can you disagree with my earlier comment 12.03 and the quote. Do you agree with that quote and that would make things clear, thanks.

'GS . . the gospel of Rome is not the glorious gospel of free & sovereign grace of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ as set forth in God's Word, but is "another gospel" and as such, falls under the anathema of God (Gal. 1:6-9...'

Excellent comments!

News Item4/30/14 12:36 PM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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GSTexas wrote:
Just as the Jews in Galatians were trying to put people under bondage through circumcision, wouldnt you say the RCC is puting people under bondage with their works based salvation? I see no difference.
BTW, I do not think you a jesuit troll like the others here even if I disagree with your sympathies towards the RCC.
I am more interested in just how Steve sees himself as Reformed? if HE STATES JUSTIFICATION IS BY FAITH ALONE then we have it.

So is the above Reformed Biblical truth Steve?

News Item4/30/14 12:27 PM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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SteveR wrote:
Neither did my brother as we both need Christ.
Habakkuk 2:4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
I would agree with the WCF is most cases
You remind me much of JY...let us see what you believe from the WCF.

I'll not refer to Popery and THE ANTICRIST and stick to the following:

[URL=http://www.opc.org/new_horizons/NH05/JustificationTable.html]]]Justification according to Rome and the Reformers[/URL]

Which side do you sit-or comfortably on the fence?

Note the WCF references

News Item4/30/14 12:14 PM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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Warning wrote:
What a thread...
We have a troll....aJezebel spirit...and a false prophet....BEWARE!
Which one are you

News Item4/30/14 12:03 PM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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SteveR wrote:
Agree & Disagree
"Martin Luther maintained that this truth was the difference between a standing and a falling church. If a church upholds the truth of justification by faith alone, then in Luther’s judgment it was a standing church. ..The importance of this truth can also been seen in the kind of attention Satan gives to it. Throughout the history of the church Satan has attacked the truth of justification by faith alone. Some of his most deceptive attacks have been and are made when he distorts the language, using the words "justification by faith," but making them mean something different... doing so in a most deceptive way. They will speak of the fact that justification is by faith and that it is through grace, but they add that justification is not only by faith, but also by the works which flow from faith. The result is that justification is not by faith alone!"

You don't use the word "alone"?
We are speaking about Reformed doctrine-which confession do you hold-WCF?

The old paths not the new false Protestantism-as the quote above Rome is accursed as a Satanic Church BECAUSE of her definition of JUSTIFICATION without the Reformers Biblical teaching- 'ALONE'

My position and the Reformed Confessions!


News Item4/30/14 11:39 AM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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get real wrote:
if a man can't make "Decisional Regeneration" then you better go tell Job that his pact with his eyes was a shame before God ....
people can choose to stop sinning to get real before God, to receive Him ...
You obviously do not understand 'regeneration'-was not Job regenerated first to make that statement? Go study the article and research the topic for yourself as it would be far better to reach a conclusion after much prayerful study.

BTW I have no interest in debating 'Decisional Regeneration' just pointing to the obvious conclusion of the danger of relying solely on a past decision, as one's (JY's?) ultimate confidence before the thrice Holy God.

News Item4/30/14 11:35 AM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
So sad. Will endeavor to hold him, his family, and his former ministry up in prayer to the God of all mercies and grace.
Agree! We should all do likewise.

News Item4/30/14 11:09 AM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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SteveR wrote:
Well Wayne
I have counseled John Y to leave the RCC.
It matters not if certain scurrilous individuals jumped on the Protestant cause for their own ends, what does matter is whether PROTESTANTISM in the Biblical sense is correct re: the doctrine of justification by faith alone. If it is, then Rome as a professing church is indeed 'accursed'-as its own definition in the Council of Trent proves. Agree?

So you counsel all RC's claiming to be 'saved' to come out and leave that accursed system as the Reformers eventually counselled?

If so then 'good'!

What reason did you give for John Y to leave, as I don't follow all the comments?


News Item4/30/14 9:17 AM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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John Yurich USA wrote:
the Catholic Church as the Catholic Church has some scriptural doctrines.
Even demons believe scriptural doctrines?

'Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble'

Is it the devils who seek to twist sound doctrine? Satan himself? Yea, Hath God said?

Why did the Refomers reject Rome as the harlot church (despite the doctrines you say the Romish Church correctly teach?) and have you ever studied the difference between the Council of Trent and Reformation Bible doctrine?

All I hear John over a long period of time is that your Christian confidence is in your 'decision'.

'Can a man be born again by answering "yes" to a certain group of questions? Can a man be born from "above" by walking to the front of a building? Can a man become a true Christian by responding to an invitation as a result of being "crept up on" unawares? Your answers to these questions will be determined by your view of man's spiritual condition. What is man's spiritual state?'

[URL=http://www.the-highway.com/Decisional_Regeneration.html]]]see and ponder and cry for enlightenment[/URL]

Interestingly Steve R claims to be REFORMED but never offers the above counsel to you? Hmmm.

News Item4/30/14 7:16 AM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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SF from TX wrote:
Wayne, sounds similiar to the Elliots.
Yes, is the same, as Steve Saint is the son of Nate Saint who was killed with Jim Elliot. An amazing testimony of God's Grace! God bless!

News Item4/29/14 12:54 PM
Wayne UK  Find all comments by Wayne UK
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kjg wrote:
John Greer is one of my favorite preachers. I was born and raised along the Colorado-Kansas border. I now reside in Kansas.
Yes I am familiar with John Greer and have greatly benefited from his preaching and that of the Free Pres denomination in general! One of the few that still hold tenaciously to the old paths.

It is remarkable that the UK fits over 40 times into the vast area that is the USA. Very few living in the UK would have ever visited 'Northumbria', yet how astonishing you have managed to do so from so far away!

I trust you took off your cowboy hat and replaced it with a tartan tammy shanter if you ventured over the Scot's border. A tin of Scot's shortbread under your arm will have helped you to assimilate

If you ever require anything from 'Northumbria' and I can assist in any way, please let me know and I'll do my best. We even have a resident watercolour artist on SermonAudio-John UK. I am sure he could be commissioned for a painting


See his 'Holy Island' painting from the area-very good!

God bless!

News Item4/28/14 7:08 PM
WayneUK  Find all comments by WayneUK
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kjg wrote:
Evening Wayne,
We stayed near Hawick. Enjoyed Scott's view and the ruins of the abbeys. I want to take my family back there and to Northern Ireland. The Borderlands and Northern Ireland, my favorite places to visit the British Isles. I would like to visit Newcastle.
Have a great evening, brother!

Hawick would be 60 miles north of me.
The whole Northumberland coastal region is worth exploring, too!

I once visited Ballymoney in Northern Ireland with a view to moving there to attend a particular church, but it wasn't to be the Lord's will. There are some fine ministries on SermonAudio from NI!

I am glad you enjoyed your stay and maybe the Lord will bring you back one day

Where are you in the world?

News Item4/28/14 3:03 PM
Wayne UK  Find all comments by Wayne UK
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Liza J wrote:
There is still a few faithful preachers who continually warn their flocks about popery.
Allan Cairns
Ralph Ovadal
Jason Cooley
David Carson
Richard Bennett
All found here on SermonAudio
Stephen Hamilton
[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=112801223644]]]Protestant View[/URL]

John Thackway
[URL=http://www.bibleleaguetrust.org/articles.html]]]search articles[/URL]

Malcom Watts
[URL=http://www.salisburyemmanuel.org.uk/gospel%20of%20salvation.html]]]See articles[/URL]

Another three on SA!

Sermon4/28/14 1:17 PM
Wayne UK  Find all comments by Wayne UK
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Faint yet Pursuing
Rev Malcolm Watts
“ Thank you-most helpful! ”
"Remember the word unto Thy servant, upon which Thou hast caused me to hope." — Psalm 119:49 'Whatever your especial need may be, you may readily find some promise in the Bible suited to it. Are you faint and feeble because your way is rough and you are weary? Here is the promise--"He giveth power to the faint." When you read such a promise, take it back to the great Promiser, and ask Him to fulfil His own word.' From Spurgeon devotional today. Thank you for a very helpful sermon heard this Lord's Day. Those who are the Lord's will find a suitable and wonderful promise applicable to their very needs and will indeed, even in astonishment at how fitting it is, ask Him to fulfil it... Psalm 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me Psalm 57:2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. 'unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me' Psalm 116:6 I was brought low, and he helped me. The Lord will hear and answer and deliver and HE WILL BE GLORIFIED!

News Item4/28/14 9:39 AM
Wayne UK  Find all comments by Wayne UK
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kjg wrote:
My family came from the North Tyne River area. I visited there--the Borderland in the month of August, 20 years ago. One of the most beautiful areas in God's creation. And your family, Wayne?
Sorry to digress to you all, but I don't have many opportunities to meet a Northumbrian.
I was born in Morpeth (birth place of Robert Morrison-evangelist to China) and brought up in Bedlington (famous for probably just one thing-the Bedlington Terrier dog breed). Have lived in Rothbury and a few other areas.

Glad you were able to visit and I guess you were nearer Berwick on your travels? Did you visit the city of Newcastle?

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