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Survey12/19/07 7:12 AM
Will Church spoil 'my' xmas?  Find all comments by Will Church spoil 'my' xmas?
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Thoughts on the Puritan minded reformed xmas

Many Reformed churches hold the sabbath like the puritans UNTIL xmas falls on a Sunday and things suddenly change. How come-is such not hypocrisy? Rather than 'Christmas day' then being like the sabbath as an holy day unto the Lord and a whole day of worship and spirit filled thankfulness and joy, it becomes a day often when one service is cancelled and the other is controlling the children with their toys and a back slapping merry xmas to all after a 'jolly' full xmas dinner and off to relatives. The normal holy reverence to the sabbath day appears then somewhat diluted. The sabbath day the children are told to put away their toys. On a xmas sabbath day they open them!

I have no complaint to any believer who ignores all the Romanist and pagan additions to Christ's birth but keeps the whole day unto the Lord as a day of worship- testifying to all of the Christ born King.

BUT if you are sitting in front of the TV watching xmas telly and Christ has but only a brief part of the day then how come? I am sure such an one is most thankful that Xmas is not this year on a Sunday

My point is how do you keep the day that is a day of 'glorifying and praising God'. A good test for non-reformed evangelicals to?

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