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News Item1/29/09 5:48 PM
Wraggles  Find all comments by Wraggles
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Mike wrote:
This is my understanding of hyper-cal fishing: The Angler digs a pond, stocks it with exactly the fish he decided on prior to digging it, predecides to fish only for the fish he wants, predecides to blind the other fish he stocks, (so they cannot find the bait) and marks them to destruction. (which is why they were stocked there in the first place) He patiently waits while his servants sprinkle the pond with his irresistable bait. When the fish nibble on this bait, they cannot help but to seek the Angler. The Angler places the hook in their mouths, and he reels them in. At the end of the day, all the fish that were stocked and blinded for the purpose of destruction, are netted out and tossed into a bonfire.
Thats exactly my point Mike.

John said

John UK wrote:
An angler needs to decide on his species, select a water which contains the species, know the depths and likely hidey-holes where the fish might hang out.
See he is fishing for a specific type.

Now The Lord's method was cast your net and take what ever the Lord elects to put into it.

John 21:6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find."

Also Mk 1:17. Fishers of men

News Item1/29/09 2:57 PM
Wraggles  Find all comments by Wraggles
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John UK wrote:
An angler needs to decide on his species, select a water which contains the species, know the depths and likely hidey-holes where the fish might hang out. Then he needs the correct size rod and reel and line and lure (or bait).

Seems to me there is a good parallel with evangelism.

Hey John
That sounds like a good recipe for Hyper-Calvinism.

Is that your bag???

Survey1/15/09 2:28 PM
Wraggles  Find all comments by Wraggles
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John UK wrote:
Here for the benefit of all, is a most excellent and brief study on the subject. I have no reason to think he is wrong on any of the points made.
Here for the benefit of John UK and all who love the Truth in Christ is the Biblical mode of Baptism.
[URL=http://www.prca.org/pamphlets/pamphlet_8.html]]]The BIBLICAL mode of Baptism[/URL]

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