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News Item4/9/09 6:01 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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John UK wrote:
Aye, this [URL=http://www.vincentcheung.com/]]]VINCENT CHEUNG[/URL] that Neil linked to earlier is a cool dude.
excellent isnt it john ? Its a shame there is no audio so i can soak it in while working so ill have to read it. A real store of treasure ive been looking for something fresh for the last few eeks i think this is it its providential ive been led steadily up the chain at just the right time, starting with peter masters, then SA , then fred phelps then john macarthur now this man i wouldnt have been ready for any of them before the former.

im still up and posting as my youngest has some friends round and they are monopolising the sitting room playing on the xbox

i pray for the sick sometimes thats why they are ill isnt it ? so we can pray for them, i always feel a bit uncomfortable when people pray for the hospital or the surgeons, i think its fair to say that God would have that covered after all

News Item4/9/09 5:04 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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I dont care about being humbled and corrected i wanta be in the truth !

News Item4/9/09 4:59 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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could someone advise me on what heresies RW teaches ?

If he is a heretic I always find it remarkable how close to the truth a counterfeit christianity can be - im not being sarcastic here - Satan must be a knowlegable theologian tho i hate to say it as some of his products are so close to the truth but in one repect or another are fataly deceitful to the follower its horibly cunning

I was suprised to learn the extent of the danger to the Hebrews in Pauls letters, that some of them were identified by the world as christians to the extent of sharing persecution and yet were not ! Its a dangerous world.

News Item4/9/09 4:06 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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DJC49 wrote:
Not so.
One of God's essential attributes is His eternal Omnipresence. There will never be a place where God is "not here."
excellent post DJC very helpfull

NEIL ultimate great link ! This guy has it nailed ! im printing this one of - just a few quotes i liked

God controls
everything that is and everything that happens. There is not one thing that happens that he
has not actively decreed – not even a single thought in the mind of man. Since this is true,
it follows that God has decreed the existence of evil, he has not merely permitted it, as if
anything can originate and happen apart from his will and power. Since we have shown
that no creature can make completely independent decisions, evil could never have
started without God's active decree, and it cannot continue for one moment longer apart
from God's will. God decreed evil ultimately for his own glory, although it is not
necessary to know or to state this reason to defend Christianity from the problem of evil
One who thinks that God's glory is not worth the death
and suffering of billions of people has too high an opinion of himself and humanity.

johm - yes it looks like God made Job happen to teach us

This exchange has been of great value to me

News Item4/9/09 1:39 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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DJC49 wrote:
Both God's active AND "passive" Will are indeed His will nonetheless. BTW, *John UK*, both God's active AND passive Will get whatever He ultimately desires accomplished.
excellent iput DJC very helpful and also POIUY I am very helped by Johnathan edwards and have listened to many of his sermons, his teaching here is very helpful

Im with you DJC it is Gods will nonetheless

i listened to don fortner this pm 'christ in Job'


I well respect Dons teaching and he says if you get run down by a drunk driver 'God did it'

Although Satan was allowed to sift Job it was Gods will that he did it so from that perspective i dont think there is much point saying satan did it when it was Gods will that he did so thts like having a dog that bites and leting it run free in a schoolyard and saying 'it was the dog' nothing to do with me, clearly it was, thats how the average atheist is going to hear it.

The arminists are outraged cos they dont like the sound of that God and say I am attributing sin to him, thats only cos they think its sinful, i think everything God does is good that is their judgement NOT mine

News Item4/9/09 4:57 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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charles m wrote:
Prince charles eh ? mmm I like that, it would be encouraging for the brethren to have royalty posting on the forum, itll mean another proclomation of course but what a refreshing change for the populace, the prince a christian and a calvinist at that !
whddya think john, change my moniker again ?

News Item4/9/09 4:53 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
I have heard many Christians blaming other Christians because they don't have enough faith to be healed, or not enough faith to have riches,
Yes totaly, thats a feature of contemporary christianity that made me give up and turn away many years ago - the main reason being that i loved my sin i cant blame other people - but i found those sentiments tremendously discouraging what they are propagating is another form of works religeon ie if you dont have these 'gifts 'in your life you are not a real christian or in pauls day circumcised etc etc .

I love the book of Job, i want a comfortable life like most people but i understand now, its ok to be unhappy and its ok to be ill, or ugly or poor in spirit, God can do with you what He likes because we belong to Him and anyway He is going to make everything right in the end. Sometimes God will send affliction for a purpose, but He does not have to, He can do it becasue He feels like it because He is God.
When God took everything away from Job he was so pragmatic and after all his trials then he had to endure his smart alec 'friends' like Eliphaz ! Faithful Job, Faithful God !

News Item4/9/09 4:08 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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If we are in the same place as sinners when judgement strikes then we suffer to Jessica ? Yes I agree, also if it wasnt for grace then we to would be lost in ignorance and in the same situation.

Understanding this makes me more grateful to God that he has rescued me.

Many christians seem to have difficulty with judgement, i dont, ive changed sides, i dont belong to the world any more and the ways of the world arent mine,I dont believe what sinners believe any more, be ye seperate He says.

My country is already under judgement so if i stay here i can expect to share in that judgement.

News Item4/9/09 3:10 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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I was looking at the saddleback church website last night and i thought it was quite impressive he certainly seems to have worked hard since 1980 also checked some transcripts of atheist debated RW has had and ha sounds quite orthodox. I havent done anything more than that so that is all i know, are some of RW's positions heretical ?
i couldnt really find anything but i didnt spend that long

News Item4/9/09 3:05 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Mike wrote:
The victims were sinners, but it wasn't for the shooter to murder them. Does a sinner have the right to murder because the victims are sinners? I don't think so. Scripture says evil is not to be paid back for evil. Is your shooter exempted? It also says you shall not kill (murder)
Exodus 20:13
"Thou shalt not kill." This means you shall not murder. Period. How does this fit into your God sent him theory?
Yes the shooter is a sinner.

God has the right to send him doesnt he ?

Like the earthquakes in italy at the moment God is angry with people in italy and He has the right to remind them of that by sending an earthquake (or two) and its merciful because some might repent

News Item4/8/09 5:04 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Castanet wrote:
I do not agree with any of this.
you wrote it castanet cant you explain it ? Enjoy your jigsaw buddy

News Item4/8/09 4:11 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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No castanet, i was asking you if this was a fair statement of your position not mine ! as my post makes clear its not my position at all

i am not incriminating God i think they are his judgements and whats more i think they are good

''God is obliged to discharge justice in His creation BECAUSE of His righteousness!''

God is not obliged by anything

'The Flood = Discharge of justice upon mankind by the righteous Judge.'

Ok millions of sinners righteously judged and died

'Shooter = Sin by a murderer because he is an evil hearted sinner.There is no justice in what he did.'

so the victims were not sinners and didnt deserve to die ?

the perpetrator of the crime was 'an evil hearted sinner' obviously a freak then, not like you and me at all - phew ! im glad im not like that wicked person

God had nothing to do with this ?

IOW did the preflood sinners deserve to die but the recently deseased did not ? its a bit hard on the antedeluvians isnt it ?

I disagree on both points, We are all sinners deserving of death

God is totally sovreign and ordained their deaths

am i wrong ?
if so please explain why

DJC i checked your post earlier when uou posted it, it was helpful but still left me with those questions

News Item4/8/09 1:27 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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DJC if i go with what you are saying which id like to as they are my thoughts also (psalm 7:11)

also math 18 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

id like to use this but is there a danger of attributing unrighteousness to God ? This is what stops me accepting this at the moment, for instance what if a person was to say to me well ok God did not cause the offence so you say that he allows it so why does he allow it why does he not stop it ? would this person be accusing God of a sin of omission - would i then be guilty of misleading that person and teaching falsely ? since because of my teaching they are now impugning Gods righteousness ?

does this doctrine in your view undermine the doctrine of absolute sovreignty ?

News Item4/8/09 12:48 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Mike wrote:
And unlike them, you are able to explain Him, Charles?
am i able to explain it mike ? not yet perhaps but i reckon im close its my job anyway, maybe i will have to explain something like this to someone one day and i want to be ready to do it honestly without fudging deception or compromise. when the time comes i want to get it right.

so if i follow your post noah was spared because of his righteousness and the world perished because of unrighteousness but there is no connection between that shall we say 'macro' judgement and the 'micro' judgement of the shooter, which is therefore you advise not a judgement at all ? I dont see how you draw the distinction between these two events or say recent earthquakes in china. I would say they were judgement - would you say that they were accidents of nature ? would the flood then not also be a similar accident of nature by that standard ?

the problem with that comes back to sovreignty, in this assesment our God is not sovreign. so if i have to explain a catastrophe in someones life like a friends teenage son died in his sleep recently or a classmate of my sons commited suicide last holiday, one of my wifes pupils jumped in front of a train its my job to answer the questions

News Item4/8/09 5:56 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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ooh sounds like you know a bit about it, ill try some spinning this year but i usually use feathers, the breakwater is good its best close in for pollock its a very good location though quite unique

boat fishing isnt the most practical i know but i like the independence and to get a bit of a sail in although sometimes i get becalmed in the late evebning and have to row sometimes for a couple of hours, its all excercise tho !

News Item4/8/09 5:51 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Michael Hranek wrote:
charles m
And you have learned your theology from whom?
from taking the Bible at face value michael thats where you learn theology.

''15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God''

the same one that ordained The flood and sends calamities upon the earth

'21 From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.'

-that was scourging loss of all back muscle and skin exposing the backbone, then the beat Jesus about the face until it was unrecognisable,

'Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!”

Peter the self righteous blowhard who said he loved Jesus more than anyone but denied Him three times

'Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

If your God wouldnt ordain Jesus to die that then he is not the god of the bible but one you imagine and is acceptable to you. Thats idolatory and its also denying Jesus. you have to defend your false god because you have created him

News Item4/8/09 4:58 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Prince charles eh ? mmm I like that, it would be encouraging for the brethren to have royalty posting on the forum, itll mean another proclomation of course but what a refreshing change for the populace, the prince a christian and a calvinist at that !

News Item4/8/09 4:28 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Thankyou ! it is I who am encouraged by your steadfastness !

News Item4/8/09 3:16 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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thanks for the post jessica i cannot imagine what kind of a life you have had the fact that you hold fast to the truth after all that shows tremendous faithfulness which God must love you very much for your faithfulness

mike i would like to go with the idea that God sovreignly 'allows ' things to happen which i agree he does in giving permision or sending a lieing spirit as its easier to explain but then we are finding 'unrighteousness in God' since he could have prevented a thing happening and did not so we are in the position of the end of my last post - it still raises questions

''where the young lady was compassionately told that it was the devil not God.''

Thats compassionate ? No, just expediency, the easy way out because who ever took it upon themselves to do this 'counselling' didnt have the answer, the best counselling of course would be to have the perpetrator publically flogged or something.

sometimes communities know who did these things or know who are likely to but dont stop them because they are afraid of the perpetrator or are related etc ive come across this before

''For that matter it might be highly appropriate to call one who would falsely attribute to God such an evil thing a devil also''

only a self righteous person who wanted to feel good

News Item4/8/09 2:49 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Hi John, candleit, feeling a bit more back to normal this am but still weak

i usually catch mackrel john, they are part of the tuna family and good eating but thats in season may to august ive got a boat called a 'drascombe dabber' which is a traditional type sailing boat you can google images it is the best looking of all the boats on te beach of course ! i like to sail out and catch the fish, before i used to fish of the rocks

candleit i would have to look up the rederences but here is one
“In that day,I will break the yoke off their necks and will tear off their bonds; no longer will foreigners enslave them. Instead, they will serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them” (Jer. 30:8,9)

Jesus rules the earth and David rules Israel - why not ?

and the saints that overcome (the world) get to rule also in the millenia
teaching the Law and judging disputes etc in the manner of the elders of Moses when they were in the wilderness

I often think about the things to come particularly the millenia I am looking forward to when Jesus rules and we will here no more lies about God and this foolish world will be a despised memory

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