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Survey8/28/09 4:47 AM
chuen | Washington State  Find all comments by chuen
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I totally agree with Mercy's comment on 10/25/08. Because it happened to me.

Several months ago, I was at a very low point of my life. I made a decision to turn away from sin. I knew I was sinning against God. I promised God I would never do that again. It was my true repentance. At that moment, the Holy Spirit came upon me and dwell in me. An overwhelming sense of peace washed over me. God supernaturally took away my worldly desire and replaced it with a new desire to live a godly life. All of a sudden what I liked to do in the past, I no longer like to do. My heart was renewed and in line with God's. I started having growing thirst for God's words. I have been studying Bible. I download sermons and teachings from many pastors, theologians, and scholars. I put them in my MP3 player and listen to them all the time at least 4 hours a day. I just can't get enough of them. I used to think Bible was boring. Now I love it. Before my conversion, I had no clue what it would be like to be saved. No one told me what happened to me was my conversion. The Holy Spirit just revealed that to me. I also have the urge to minister to others to bring them to Christ. I was never that way before.

Can any one tell me if you have the similar experience?

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