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Survey10/2/09 2:06 PM
crocskinhandbag  Find all comments by crocskinhandbag
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Icon O'Clast wrote:
My Scottish friends would have a different view on all this, as the men wear all the skirts. I know of at least one woman in my home who wears the pants and I have to tell her every day that I love her.
I have never seen a scots christian man in a skirt (kilt)-you have some strange friends

Maybe the question should be when and why did females start wearing pants?

Was it due to feminist fashion and a rebellion against long dresses and if so why did it catch on in church?

Likewise is promoting gay designers on your underwear (that other calvin clown)
or shirt (the logo) acceptable to God? It's the fashion...then it works its way into the church sometimes sooner sometimes later.

There was no school in the UK where girls wore pants until the fashion and then feminists argued their case. Now there are few schools without girls in pants. What changed the mind-set in two decades? Silly Christian women in modest long dresses or the world? Mmmmm

No wonder 'male' handbags are the fashion today, ask your grandad if he wants one and he'll be one to certainly
tell you the truth

Crocidile skin male handbag-you'll all want want to carry your croc skin bible to church-the fashion

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