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Survey4/26/09 8:10 PM
danny s. | midwest city, ok  Contact via emailFind all comments by danny s.
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The book of Daniel, speaking of antichrist, says that he(antichrist)has no regard for women. I think antichrist is a sodomite and this is why they are getting the stage set for his arrival. Using mass mind control through television, films, music, and the politial parties. They have more sodomite characters on TV and in film than anytime in history, and in both political parties, which are actually one in the same. the "falling away" has been going on for years now. The churches hands are tied, because they've all incorporated, and no longer can preach against anything the state deems as policy, all for the sake of filthy lucre (Money). Repent, come out from among her and be ye separate and touch not the unclean thing.

Sermon11/15/08 11:00 PM
danny s. | midwest city, ok  Contact via emailFind all comments by danny s.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
it's good to hear more teachers who teach truth over half truths and lies. a true watchman. God bless you Larry

Sermon3/26/08 10:28 AM
danny s. | midwest city, ok  Contact via emailFind all comments by danny s.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
amazing insight Pastor Weaver. Surely Gods hand rest upon you. the whole media age promotes idolatry. everywhere you turn. 98% of all churches are 501c3 status, under the lordship of the state. I live in okla. city and i can't even find a church that is under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. My church is sermon audios Pastor Mike Slatterly, Edward Watson, Dr. Scott Johnson and now Pastor John Weaver. Thank you for being faithful to the Lord. God bless

Sermon3/26/08 1:11 AM
danny s. | midwest city, ok  Contact via emailFind all comments by danny s.
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The Black Robed Regiment
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! ”
i thank God for you pastor. this country has been hijacked by traitorous men and the pulpits are full of government hirelings,and the people are complacent and brainwashed by the cooperate owned media. God is blasphemed in the schools on television. America is now an illusion. i will pray for you as i do other pastors who are teaching the true word of God for his protection over you and your flock. May God dearly bless you.

Sermon3/18/08 3:40 AM
danny s. | oklahoma  Contact via emailFind all comments by danny s.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
i agree with you Pastor Phil. i've been studying this for several years. this is actually the only conclusion. tv preachers like van impe always leave out "at the last trump" in 1 corinthians 15. they purposely gloss over important details. of course he thinks the catholic church are brothers in the faith, even though their doctrines don't line up with the word of God. Keep preaching the truth. God bless you

Sermon3/18/08 12:50 AM
danny s. | oklahoma  Contact via emailFind all comments by danny s.
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“ Great Sermon! ”
for the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation. God bless you Peter.

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