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Sermon2/12/2023 2:08 AM
Donnie | New Zealand  Find all comments by Donnie
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The Sermon on the Mount
Ian Macleod
“ Great Sermon! ”
Have heard a sermon on this particular matter numerous times.

News Item11/23/2020 3:40 PM
Donnie | Phila  Find all comments by Donnie
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This is coming our way without a might revivial!

News Item6/3/10 11:49 PM
Donnie | Northeast  Find all comments by Donnie
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great new look,,,,however, for some reason I can't seem to locate the "forum" where one can share views, etc. Anyone out there to shed some light on this?

News Item2/16/10 12:41 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Hi August,

I,ve gone through almost the same struggles as you're going through and I sure would like to help you, and perhaps you could help me as well. Christians NEED eachother. Contact me August. If you need my email address, let me know as I still don't know how these forums/emails work!

News Item2/15/10 5:42 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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As far as I know, the Bible does not forbid Mega Churches. I have been to several Mega Churches both here in New Jersey and Florida. The services, I'd rather call them (performances), were mostly filled with much musical entertainment, people dancing in the isles, etc. and towards the end there was a message from the pastor. During the preaching there was quite abit of laughter because of the preacher's jokes, etc. I thought to myself, imagine if Charles H. Spurgeon, who also had a Mega Church {nothing new under the sun),was in attendance here, what would this faithful man of God say about this sad situation going on in these types of churches? What a difference between C.H.S. type of worship setting and the type of nonsense, to say the least, going on in so many socalled churches like this! Harold Camping went to the other extreme, of course, with his unbiblical views re: the end of the church age, but he was right as far as saying so many churches have departed so far from true Biblical preaching, etc. I was listening to part of a service from Thomas Road Baptist Church ( Jerry Falwell's church ) now run by his son, Jonathan, and one just shutters to think of what an entertainment "church" this church has become. Please tell me, where are the faithful churches?

News Item1/31/10 12:26 AM
donnie | nor'east  Find all comments by donnie
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My great problem is and has been that I struggle with same sex attraction. I know very well that homosexuality is a sin, no doubt about that. The Bible is very clear about this. I've struggled with this sin even in kindergarten. I'm now a much older man. I have begged and begged the Lord for deliverance from this sin and still, no answer. I plead upon the verses in Scripture, such as, " I can do ALL things through Christ who stengthens me". The Lord knows how I have begged Him for deliverance fromn the bottom of my heart, and still no answer and help. I wish that pastors would address this particular sin since 30-40 % of all men struggle with this sin. Perhaps we need pastors who deal with sins/problems/struggles, that many Christians struggle to deal with. I know that's my problem with preaching and, I believe, rightly so.

I know what our responsibilty is and I aalso know that we/I cannot help ourselves unless the power of the Holy Spirit sets us free.

News Item7/11/09 10:17 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I believe this church is going about this the wrong way. Rather than point out one religion which is false, of course, why not have a Bible verse on their sign, such as, "there is only One Name, under Heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved". That name is Jesus! A verse such as this (and their are more appropriate verses which can also be used)will be, in all likelihood more effective than putting up a sign like this church has done. I believe it was very poor judgment on their part.

News Item7/4/09 2:02 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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While I appreciate the views of some of you people in here, I am still somewhat confused that you don't use the Scriptures here more often, rather than man's opinion, however good it may be.

News Item7/3/09 11:26 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I don't understand why there is a debate in this forum regarding baptism. There is good Biblical proof of both believer's baptism as well as infant baptism.I think people should get more aquainted with the Bible and also compare Scripture with Scripture. Regarding young people leaving the church: just imagine being young in this day and age. You go to public school and hear a bunch of lies regarding evolution, etc. and the foolishness of scientists speaking many lies and the like. Then you hear of debates (which turn into name calling, etc.) because of different opinions on baptism, freewill, free grace, the Sabbath day ordinance being tossed about, etc. etc. and then the falling into sin of many Christians. What are our young people to think?

News Item6/12/09 12:06 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Imagine, the very God whom these people [so-called atheists], (I say "so-called", because, down deep, there are no true atheists. The only true and living God who created all things [common sense tells you this], this very God, woke these atheists up this morning, these atheists ate of the food that God gave them, they breathe the air that God lets them breathe, etc. How dare these atheists say there is no God while all along, they are being sustained by the true and living God. We must pray for these people. If it weren't for God's grace, we, too, could be believing such foolishness. They, indeed, must be pitied. The Bible says that"the natural man doesn't recieve the things of God" because they are spiritually discerned. If we know of "atheists' who talk thus, let's point them to Romans 1. We must remember that these people have a never-dying soul for the great eternity. If they don't see the folly of their way/talk in this life, it will be forever too late for them when they die. Start talking logic to these folk about creation, the plants, flowers, animals, the humanbody, finger nails being placed at the right spot at the end of our fingers and not placed at our elbow, etc. On and on the "proofs" of a Creator/God, go!

Survey6/10/09 3:46 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I just want to thank SermonAudio for the wonderful job they are doing! What a blessing it is to have a "site" such as SA. May we never take this privelege for granted. I, personally, have been blessed by SA. I believe many others have been as well. SA is very faithful to the Word of God. In this day in which we live, what a blessing it is to have a "site" like SA that is so faithful in what goes on here. May our dear Lord continue to bless SermonAudio in the time we have left on this earth.

Survey3/24/09 3:19 PM
Donnie | Northeast  Find all comments by Donnie
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If our neighbors' house was on fire and they were in the house unaware of the danger around them, would we bang on the door yelling, get out, get out?

Now, even more serious than that, how many of us, including myself, would not warn our neighbors that there is a hell ahead of them if they don't repent and turn to Christ! How many houses in our neighborhoods have we gone to and warned? Maybe, only, one or two, perhaps fifteen or twenty, or perhaps, tragically saying, NOT EVEN ONE HOUSE. If our answer is [ not one house ], then in all probability we really don't believe ourselves that there is a real hell. If we say, we do, we're probably not being honest with ourselves. It's our intellect speaking and not our hearts. Is this food for thought????

News Item3/13/09 3:57 PM
Donnie | Northeast  Find all comments by Donnie
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I'm baffled that the teachings of John Calvin are disputed at a Baptist seminary, of all places. Calvin's works as well as his viewpoints on election are 100 percent correct according to the Bible. I don't understand the doctrine of election, God's sovereignty, etc, etc, however I do know that the doctrine of election is taught very cleary in the Bible. I've heard people say that Christ died for everyone. I cannot for the life of me, figure out how even learned people would say such a thing. It's obvious that if Christ died for everyone, obviously no one would go to hell. My own thought is, I wish this was the case because who would wish someone in hell, not me! But, Scriptually, this is not the case. Is it because some people have eyes, but they don't see? Or is it, wishful thinking? It's sad that a number of people will not compare Scripture with Scripture, because if they really did, they would see that all of John Calvin's teachings are right on! His teachings go "against the grain", but he is 100 percent correct, if we want to go by God's word and compare Scripture with Scripture!

News Item3/10/09 1:55 PM
Donnie | Northeast  Find all comments by Donnie
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Thank you Robert and "Psalm 46". Let's pray that the Lord will continue to use HIS word and not the "dreams, and personal revelations that are not part of the Bible". If we deviate from just the Bible, there will be so many voices out there that one will not know who's right. Thanks again both of you!

News Item3/9/09 10:18 PM
Donnie | Northeast  Find all comments by Donnie
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It's so discouraging once again that a popular preacher has made such statements. The Bible does not speak about New York City at all. Not even the USA. Many of us have heard about Harold Camping and yet another unbiblical prediction re 2011. Why don't these men stay Biblical? The Bible tells us plenty regarding the end times. Again, another unbiblical discouragment from a man who should know better.

Survey2/23/08 1:07 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I cannot thank the Lord enough for "sermon audio". I've told a number of people, who never heard of this site, about sermon audio. May God bless SA to many souls who desperatley need Him!

News Item2/20/08 9:52 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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The Bible states clearly "not to forsake the assemblies of ourselves together. The Bible tells us about pastors, teachers, deacons, etc. The Bible also says "let everything be done decently and in order". The Bible also speaks about people "praising the Lord in the great congregation"! Psalm 150 tells us to "praise God in His sanctuary". Psalm 150 also gives us a great example of how and what instruments may be used in the sanctuary/church. Imagine, the great congregation, all these instruments, etc. sitting in a living room!!!!

How beautiful it is that we can set ourselves apart in a Church building, provided, we hear a FAITHFUL, BIBLICAL, sermon preached by a true, called, and Godly pastor. Just check on sermon audio, alone, how many faithful pastors and churches there still are. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. How beautiful to gather with perhaps only 200 or so people and hear a whole congregation singing with a beautiful pipe organ, piano, and stringed instruments. Just listen to 10th Presbyterian Church on Sundays here on SA. Their singing is awesome! Give me a faithful church, with prayer mtgs, ladies societies who minister, etc. House churches, fine, if we cannot find a good, Biblical and faithful church. Look at the damage that Harold Camping did.

News Item2/18/08 12:38 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I would like to add my comment here. I finished high school in 1964, in a public school. The same year I finished school was the year, I believe that the Lord's prayer could no longer be prayed in school. Up until 1964, almost all public schools had Bible reading in their school every day. We did in ours. I'm sorry, but I look back and see that the very year that prayer and Bible reading was taken out of public schools, was the very year you started to hear about drugs, etc. Girls wore dresses, no slacks. they really looked like girls. The only drug I knew about even in 11th grade, was aspirin, in the nurses office. To me, it's so obvious that when the public schools took prayer and Bible reading out of school, which hurt NO ONE, that all of "the following started to happen". It makes me heart sick to think of what public school students have to hear [evolution teaching, which, common sensically makes no sense, along with no Bible reading, of the very God who made them, and no "Lord's prayer", a prayer taught by the Lord, himself. Lat us Christians beg the Lord, more and more , that the spiritual eyes" of the government may be opened before it's too late! Now we have school shootings, killings, drugs, premarital sex, etc. etc.

an oldfashioned guy!

News Item2/17/08 12:50 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I believe that Billy Graham Has brought the Gospel to more people than any other person on this planet. I am confused, however, when it seems to appear that so many many are in the Kingdom, regardless of their faith , solid doctrine., On the one hand , Billy Grham has, I believe, brought the gospel to many people, on the other hand, I feel he has some strong errors which need correcting, hopefully before he dies.Any other opinions?

News Item2/15/08 1:25 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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It's too bad that this "minister" apparently never read Romans 1. If, after reading Romans 1, this "minister" would still marry these 2 women, he should repent, find a different job and hopefully come to his/her senses. Romans 1, alone, is so crystal clear about the terrible sin of same sex marriage, that a child, reading the same chapter would call this situation a "grievious sin". I didn't even begin to quote all the other examples in Scripture forbidding such a henious sin as this.
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