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Survey7/5/09 9:04 AM
eoghan | Scotland  Find all comments by eoghan
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What Pastor?

News Item6/17/08 4:04 PM
Eoghan | Scotland  Find all comments by Eoghan
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How long before the political correct lawyers close down sermonaudio? five years? ten?

Sermon1/11/08 10:25 AM
Eoghan | Scotland  Find all comments by Eoghan
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Alpha - its unscriptural ministry
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sermon would appear to be curtailed to 2 minutes?!*$

Survey11/4/07 3:02 PM
Eoghan | UK  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Eoghan
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Help with mp3 players!

I have a mpman brand 512Mb mp3 player. It does four things (at least it used to).
1. It uses a AAA battery which I can swap anytime it runs down
2. It has an auto-resume function I have failed to find elsewhere.
3. It places audio files in alphabetical sequence, sermon 1, sermon 2, sermon 3 etc... This is VERY important with audio books. I have taken back players to Tesco's and Dicksons' because they cannot order files sequentially.

It is alas dying the 'forward' function is erratic and the audio socket is malfunctioning.

Can anyone give me the name of a cheap mp3 player with similar functions?

I have a bulky mp4 player which does some of the above but it has a LCD screen that quickly drains the inbuilt rechargeable battery.

HELP! I have searched www.pricerunner.co.uk in vain and Ebay but neither lists the functions I need!

email me urgently at [email protected]

Survey10/15/07 4:07 AM
Eoghan | UK  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Eoghan
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I have had problems with the audio quality of some sermons.

I would also like more info on mp3 players - particularly those with an auto-resume function - which allows you to pick up 45 mins into an hour long sermon.

Another feature that I look for is sequencing - nothing worse than listening to a series of 12 sermons in the wrong order.

I think there should be a guide to mp3 players which is how I listen to sermons 90% 0f the time

Survey10/1/07 8:30 AM
Eoghan | Scotland  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Eoghan
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I have turned to the website for sound preaching on specific subjects/topics
* Alpha Course
*Toronto Blessing
*Guidance (querying God's specific plan for each believer - which must be individually discovered)

I would really like the indexing developed with "Hot Topics". That might encourage preaching on Hot Topics but then again is that necessarily a bad thing?

I was watching a DVD of Jeff Lucas on Guidance. I disagreed strongly and did a topic search for "sound teaching". Chuck Vuolo fitted the bill PTL

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