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Sermon All Things New - 2 Cor. 5:17-21 | Ken Wimer
from Newberry, sc
"Holy Ghost Truth"
-7 hrs 
Sermon Amos: God's Justice | Glen Currie -28 hrs 
Sermon An Invasion from Hell | Denis Lyle
Jennifer Mason from Memphis
-32 hrs 
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Sermon1/14/18 2:34 PM
Feeblemind  Find all comments by Feeblemind
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It is good to now stop and hear some discernment from those who have followed the whole Michael Brown thing from both sides ... 'Simon Kok is a big fan of Dr. James White’s Dividing Line, gives a loving response from a Dutch Calvinist perspective. Simon lives in Finland where he attends a pentecostal church.' http://biblethumpingwingnut.com/2018/01/12/dr-james-white-fans-gracious-response-elephant-room-3-special-btwn-episode/ A real and needful word of wisdom on the main issues re: Michael Brown, especially JD v JW

News Item3/29/13 6:50 PM
Feeblemind  Find all comments by Feeblemind
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Curiously I have never met or heard ANY RC deny that Mother Teresa is a true Christian, so surely that presents the obvious on how RC's view Grace and Salvation.

But there is a major problem! J I Packer also made some assumptions that Mother Teresa was a child of God.

Those who signed the ECT document and the Manhattan Declaration also make assumptions about Roman Catholics.

My question for Beneath is what does he think of the following article and how does he view professing Christians like Packer who make such assumptions?

[URL=http://www.takeheed.net/Take_Heed_2010/Current_Concerns/Jan_2010/Packer_and_Mother_Teresa.htm]]]J I Packer and ‘Mother’ Teresa[/URL]

quote:'To any faithful and discerning Christian it should be patently clear, in the light of ‘Mother’ Teresa’s own words, that she was a spiritually lost soul, sadly a high-profile victim of Rome’s false ‘gospel’ and practices. Former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett examines the question of ‘Mother’ Teresa in his article ‘Mother Teresa: A Lost Soul?’'(unquote)

Many follow the great intellect of Packer and happily sign those documents.

I would rather be a feeblemind and stick to Holy Scripture

News Item3/28/13 7:54 PM
feeblemind  Find all comments by feeblemind
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beneath wrote:
Many of God's disciples are not erudite by nature Can we claim that God would discriminate against them because
Regeneration grants even the uneducated the gift of the Holy Spirit, therefore are we to assume the same Spirit will separate the intellectually wise converted RC, bringing him out of Satan's masterpiece BUT leave the poor spiritually alive feeblemind living amongst the dead wood of the Antichrist system? THAT IS DISCRIMINATION!

The Lord sent Phillip to the Ethiopian eunuch, yet the same ALL Mighty All Powerful Creator of Heaven and Earth would regenerate a new creature in Christ and leave His child stagnating in the graveyard of apostasy with no other living spiritual fellowship or helps?

Would He not send one of His servants to help this uneducated new convert,-a neighbour or some other providential meeting to gently guide this new born little lamb?

Where are these converted brethren still in the Romish church? Where is just ONE preaching the authentic gospel? You need to validate your assumption with some solid examples from the 21st century, or they are but your personal assumptions.

You can be converted and remain the RC system for a time, but you are not a RC and the Lord will bring you out.

Survey1/3/10 9:16 AM
Feeblemind  Find all comments by Feeblemind
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"What I do not accept are prayer meetings as they exist in our churches today. I cannot and will never accept them because scripture does not support them, nor does it teach that we may hold them." "there is nothing in scripture to support regular, pre-determined, corporate prayer."

[URL=http://www.christiandoctrine.net/doctrine/outlines/outline_00095_when_prayer_is_a_crutch_web.htm]]]when prayer is a crutch[/URL]

Any bible bereans intersted in reading the above and answering the points with scripture to show the necessity of a midweek corporate prayer meeting? Helps answer the topic.

Survey7/15/07 2:39 PM
feeblemind  Find all comments by feeblemind
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Some simple thoughts from scripture

What does 'natural man' mean I Cor 2: 14 in context and if he can't discern (understand) spiritual things, why? Because he is not 'born again'? So how can an unsaved man ever understand- left to himself?

What does John 3: 8 mean? What does v6 mean?

What does Romans 8:9 mean?

What does John 16: 8-14 mean?

What about I Corinthians 12:3?

Matthew 16: 16,17?

How can you call upon the Lord Jesus to save you 'but by the Holy Ghost'? Yet if you are not saved you have not the Holy Ghost?

How can you discern spiritiual things i.e. the gospel but by the Holy Ghost? What happens to the natural man FIRST so that he can believe?

If a blind man sees, a deaf man hears etc., (a dead man lives)-what happened to them first so that they could believe and seek the Lord Jesus for a miracle?

The same thing as Peter in Matthew 16: 15-17? If so then is such not the work of God alone John 6: 29 and 16:14? He receives ALL the glory?

Who convicts the sinner of sin? Why? Because you first sought Jesus or HE first sought you? How do you co-opperate as you can't believe Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit according to I Corinthians 12:3? Isn't the Spirit Sovereign verses 8-11 and John 3:8???

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