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Sermon7/23/14 12:37 AM
Jason | Maryland  Protected NameFind all comments by Jason
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God Went Looking for A Man
Pastor Jerry Gardner
“ This is a Must listen if you want to hear the Truth ”
The Lord uses little Faith Presbytery for the best preachers in all of America. People if you don't know about this presbytery you are missing out on True Reformed Theology without compromise.

Sermon2/21/14 8:52 PM
Jason | Maryland  Protected NameFind all comments by Jason
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Christian's Goal
Pastor Jerry Gardner
“ What's Important ”
I listened to this Sermon as I was traveling to pick up equipment for my Business. It made me think about what was important . I often struggle stressing about work too much. This really helped me focus on the things of The Lord during a work day. Thank you Your Brother in Christ Jason

Sermon8/21/11 1:36 AM
Jason  Find all comments by Jason
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Sons of Abraham
Nathan Eshelman
“ Great Sermon! ”
good job

Sermon5/10/11 9:59 PM
Jason  Find all comments by Jason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great info Pastor Adams. Good ammunition to use on my 7th day adventist co-worker.

Sermon5/6/11 3:48 AM
Jason | Central Coast NSW  Find all comments by Jason
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Pastor Joseph LoSardo
“ Great Sermon! ”
Hi mate, One of the best messages Ive heard on the Golgotha... Dr. Jason Australia

Sermon3/31/11 9:31 PM
Jason | Houston  Find all comments by Jason
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks Paul. I dropped to my knees after hearing this. God continues to speak to me through your preaching.

News Item3/4/11 11:07 AM
Jason | Atlanta  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jason
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Before a person opens their mouth to speak and write, they should know the subject at hand. No where in the United States Constitution does it state seperation of church and state and never has. This was coined by an athieist back some time ago.

Sermon2/11/11 11:39 PM
Jason | Virginia  Find all comments by Jason
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Who Is Lord of YOUR Church?
Pastor Sam Adams
“ Great Sermon! ”
When I first started going to a church and got tax refunds for my tithes and offerings, I knew something was rotten in Denmark. Now I know what is going on here. Chuck Baldwin is now talking about this non-sense as well. Unfortunately, I can't find a non 501C3 church anywhere. When I tell people about the 501C3, they tell me not to get caught up in that stuff, just focus on the word.

News Item12/25/10 7:24 AM
Jason | Marysville, Ohio  Find all comments by Jason
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Great News! Thanks for posting!

Survey4/4/10 12:19 AM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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The observance of Halloween, Ishtar or Easter, Christmas, Valentines Day, and many other pagan holidays have similar origns that God in the Old Testament condenmed. Just ask a former Wiccan and they will tell you about these holidays and what they actually are about.

Survey4/4/10 12:05 AM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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Who created alcohol? Did not Christ drink wine? Was He not called a wine bibber and a glutten? God has given us all things to enjoy but it was man that has currupted and misused the gifts of God.

Survey4/3/10 11:55 PM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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There is no true evidence to prove that flu vaccines are effective. The problem is three fold. First the exports never know which strain the population will be infected with each year. Secondly, just because one receives the injection does not mean you will be immune to the injection. Thridly there is no clear evidence that it actually works nor if there is any side effects.

Survey4/3/10 11:35 PM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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Being we have imputed righteousness based upon the merits of Christ we share in His reward equally, as far as the rewards for the reprobate the Scriptures seem to imply that there will be differing degrees of punishment, but one has to ask the question, "Is not fire, fire?" It will be utterly painful and the degree matters little.

Survey4/3/10 11:25 PM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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For sometime I held to the death of Christ to be a day other than Friday primarily to the statement of "three days and three nights" being literal. But when aone emamines all the other evidences to include scientific decomposion of the human body then you can understand why indeed He was buried on a Friday.

Survey4/3/10 11:18 PM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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I am an over the road truck driver. As much as possible I am downloading sermons and listening to them throughout the day. I could not live without. Not to mention I am able to find good solid churches to attend.

Sermon5/14/09 12:52 AM
jason | midwest  Find all comments by jason
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The Father's Voice
Pastor Alan Dunn
“ Great Sermon! ”
That is a good sermon, I love this preaching of God's word. Preach the word! It is good to hear such exegetically sound preaching!

News Item1/20/09 7:20 PM
Jason | maryland  Find all comments by Jason
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Where are the True Bible believing Christian Pastors? There should be sermons railing against this wicked President or as i like to call him Pharoah. Fear God not man. The body they may kill the truth abideth still.
I apologize to you pastors that are in the pulpit who speak the truth.

Sermon8/11/08 3:59 AM
Jason  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jason
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The Calm Before the Storm 1
D. Scott Meadows
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon, wonderful application of doctrinal truth. A true blessing to my soul. I wish more preaching would be as this.

Blog8/8/08 9:02 PM
Jason | Candy Land  Find all comments by Jason
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(This blog entry is no longer available)
I sense in your writing an over-emphasis on your position of authority as a pastor; the Word is not your club or mine to wield as we desire. The people you minister to are all at different stages of spiritual growth; the Word of God (thru the Spirit) will speak to each of them where they are. If you want to see lasting change and not just outward conformity, let God do the work in His time. Remember, in your preaching you must also address your own heart; it’s not just you telling others what to do.

Blog8/8/08 9:02 PM
Jason | Earth  Find all comments by Jason
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(This blog entry is no longer available)
It’s not by a preacher personal authority or persuasiveness, no matter how well he knows scripture or how highly he is gifted. But solely by the authority and the power of Scripture itself, illuminated and applied by the Holy the Holy Spirit, that any ministry or Christian service can be spiritually effective and pleasing to the Lord.

While I agree with most of what you say the sentence “It is every pastor's job to bring conviction upon God's people.” is a little frightening. Remember, it is the Holy Spirit that brings conviction through the Word, not the pastor. The pastor and others, not just the appointed leader of a local body (pastor in your case), are to preach the Word. It is the Spirit that does the work. If you truly wish to submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in convicting God’s people of sin, let Him do it; His Word will not return void (Is. 55)

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