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Sermon12/3/2022 10:59 PM
Ken | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ken
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very well versed proves that of men justify their own opinions rather than In their own heart of thoughts in God is causes sin .

News Item7/25/2020 10:08 AM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Gods enemies are my enemies. They hate God and they hate me and I hate them with a perfect hatred. It appears to me that many citizens of this country never question authority they just obey. That is perhaps why so many wear these ridiculous masks. They don't have a spirit of power and love, but the spirit of this world.

News Item7/20/2020 6:33 AM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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The Quiet Christian: A principle I learned long ago comes from Acts 17. There the Jews listened to Paul then they studied scripture to see if what they were told was true. In America this principle is not much used. I see that most people go along to get along. That is not a doctrine that God approves.

News Item7/19/2020 6:53 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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The Quit Christian Christian: I am glad that you read a book, I'm not familiar with Sam Hilderbrand you say he is infamous who made that call? Missouri during 1850's and 60's was the scene of much bloodshed. Jim lane was scoundrel. It's to get along with people that murder your women folks. I susspose you could use William T. Shermans phrase "war is hell". All men do not have faith. Major John Mosby was a good soldier he did no murder women and children. Today Gen Lee is hated by many. Here is my point The ground swell of Hate for the South is in the North.

Wayfarer pilgrim: You use Confederate as a form of condemnation. Slavery was still happening in the north. Poor people according to scripture will always be with us. What you want is socialism I don't know about these people of color all people have color. If you want to better yourself go to work. Scripture states " a man that won't work don't eat." If you want talk about prison camps, learn about Camp Douglas, Chicago, or Elmira NY. Also read about slavery in scripture. If you want to condemn slavery see who condemned it in scripture.

News Item7/19/2020 4:43 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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The moderator for SermonAudio does not like truth. I can understand removing profanity but truth shame on you.

News Item7/19/2020 3:09 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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News Item7/19/2020 12:09 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Wayfara pilgrim: The Confederates were good Christian people The states you listed were and are yankees. Southern Seminary is not a state. You should return to school and start again. Power has always been the weapon of choice in confrontation.

News Item7/18/2020 10:34 AM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Jim Lincoln: Why don't you take the time to list the traits of what a real christian Is.

News Item7/15/2020 4:28 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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I would like to stretch my memory a little more for some folks benefit. Between 1820 and 1858 about 15000 freed slaves returned to Africa. paid for by the American Colonization Society. After the establishment of Liberia their may have been a few more . NOTE: the freed slaves opressed the native population quite a bit. As for the "forty acres and a mule", Gen. William T. Sherman started that before the end of the war. He had stole most everything else so for him what did it matter. The yankee government through the Freed mans Bureau offered the same deal for a vote. Tim just how old were you during segregation. You folks need life ain't fair. Tim have you ever heard of a land Grant college? Their is a lot of history "Rewritten " in American, question why is so much against White Southerners?

News Item7/15/2020 2:21 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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My memory must be going bad like a lot of other parts. I do not remember black soldiers being mistreated any more than white soldiers. Anti war sentiment did not really start until Tet 68. The only place I can remember a problem was in San Francisco. I remember being treated well in the South. I do remember marching in a parade in New Hampshire I believe most of us had combat experience one of us was black they cheered for him as they did for all of us.

News Item6/26/2020 8:38 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Wayfarer pilgrim: You take the cake. You say, The mobs are confederates. The mobs are the new klan and they are winning".

That is the dumbest statement I have ever heard Where are these Confederates? What you are seeing in the modern Demoncratic party is the radical Republican Party of the 1860's 70's. Lets talk about the 1st amendment rights. Are White Southerners allowed to defend their historyTell me when was the last time you saw a Southerner on media able to defend Confederates? When was that ?

News Item6/26/2020 4:12 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Jim Lincoln: Satan also quotes scripture. So it is no surprise. that you do.

News Item6/26/2020 3:50 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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This is really clowns world. If Charles Dickens had written this story he would have named Shawn Parker "Peck Sniff." I feel sorry for those that sit in his church.

All lives don't matter. Read the Old Testament. You call evil good,

Warfares pilgrim: Southerners indeed wanted to honor their soldiers. They never honored Lincoln. Reconstruction was apron of thief, murder and lawlessness brought to the South by the evil Yankee. You speak of the KKK, you should learn of the Loyal League, those Yankee murderers that made the KKK look like sunny school. You talk of communist Learn about the Forty eighters That swelled Lincolns rotten armies and governments.. I have grown so tired of people like you.

News Item6/22/2020 1:16 PM
ken | The Old South  Find all comments by ken
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common sense:

Do you believe God is sovereign ? Do you believe that Gods Counsel shall stand ? Do you believe God raise up one and put down another? If you do believe these things, why would you state that to put a man into bondage would " mar his character." Color has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject. Perhaps you should study Gods Holly word and learn what he says, and not what you want him to say.

News Item6/21/2020 5:28 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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I though I would leave this little discussion but I just can't let it be.

Common sense: (Ken of the Old South). I never said a word about the Garden, you did. Where do you think Adam & eve sinned? God did institute slavery yes there are many forms of slavery which one are you in? You may have been born in a Carolina: Does that give you some special insight?

Neil:Kidnapping is a common ploy of folks like you. You think to discredit by your little sophism. You are correct I am an apologist for the South, because folks like you deny southerners free speech. Thats why you will never hear one good word about the South on your TV's and lying history. There is only one side your side. I never said White people are special dude, you did that. There is no fiction about race, God made them all. If you feel unfortunate to live here then move. You disagree with BJU, so what, I disagree with you. The only stooge here, is you. You are so superior.

Mike: When you learn more come back

News Item6/21/2020 2:15 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Adriel: Put a comma between sister and God. God established slavery. You can take god justifies anyway wish

News Item6/21/2020 1:40 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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I will make one last comment: R J Rushdoony a christian preacher wrote in one of his books that Americans have become a political nation and therefore a low class nation. Because Americans want quick solutions to problems, you believe if you can vote in the right man everything will change for the better. How is that working out. we now have legal sodomy.Many churches push sodomy. Why do you think slavery is now an issue 150 years after the 13th amendment. George Wallace once said there ain't dimes worth of difference between democrats and republicans We everyone of us need to beg God for repentance.

News Item6/21/2020 12:40 PM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Adriel: Gen. chapter 9 Is the first mention of slavery. I am pretty sure Noah was well before Egypt. Israel was was in slavery many times read the book of judges. As for Blacks they were the most available their color had nothing to do with it. They were captured by other blacks. They killed many ate many and sold the rest. The blacks that came to American were brought by the divine will of God. Here they learned about God, here many were saved by the grace of God. Adriel I am a White Christian of Confederate heritage . I don't have anything to be ashamed of that my ancestors did. You know the Arabs bought many more. Sister God justifies not you.

News Item6/21/2020 11:58 AM
Ken | the Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Adriel: I don't define slavery God does. Perhaps you have a definition. and your earlier comment about the remnant becoming smaller is nt according scripture. God has a remnant he does not say how many they are. Christ said he has not lost any that the Father gave him. Also it is not just the Democrats count in the Republicans. They all have dirty hands.Your last statement does not ring True. Southerners fought for their Liberty and lost. The god of equality that made women voters, this set wives against husbands. The Black race has been used as a hammer to keep the Yankees in power. Now Blacks have turned against all whites. This ain't gonna end well.

News Item6/21/2020 10:39 AM
Ken | The Old South  Find all comments by Ken
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Neil: The great historian speaks. Grant freed his slave with the 13th amendment. Grant expelled Jews from the areas under his control. He was a poor General all he did was push his in frontal assault time after time. In the Confederate Army soldiers owned their own horses. Gen. Lee told Grant that. If Grant hat punished men who surrendered Lee might not have done.it One trait of your kind of historian is twisting history. Americans never hear but one side, your side . Lost Causers , When Gen. Lee surrendered The foundation of America was destroyed. You can see the results on the streets . You are just like Adam you blame your sin on someone else.
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