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Survey5/12/07 7:45 AM
lilhopfroger | georgia  Find all comments by lilhopfroger
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Quietly yes, but the 'so as not to attract attention' bit bothers me some. Not saying that we should be loud or obnoxious attracting the attention of everyone around us, just unashamed. My family has always asked God to bless our food before eating whether we were at home or in a restaurant. Granny taught all of us children that we had so much that we should be thanking God for that we just took for granted. She said that the blessing at mealtimes was a good reminder of how much we had to be thankful for; food to eat, a place to sit down and eat it at, and people to eat it with. We ate as a family more often than not and the blessing was said out loud, so that everyone at the table could hear whether we ate at home or went out to eat.

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