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News Item2/12/10 2:33 AM
mastersduhgree | wa.  Contact via emailFind all comments by mastersduhgree
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It becomes clearer and clearer the deeper into the cration theory one studies as to the truth concerning the earth and all living elements on it.What is disheartening is the lack of faith even christians have in believing it.Yet you would think the absurdity of evolution would sell creation.Common sence....not so common.

Survey1/29/10 8:32 AM
mastersduhgree | goldendale wa. U.S.A  Find all comments by mastersduhgree
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Vernon J. Willie wrote:
Dear fellow lessoners,
I work on a computer about eight hours a day for the past two years & have grown in leeps & bounds because of gods using of sermonaudio my thirst for gods word has been temperted by gods wisdom to desern between the different opinions of many godly men both dead & living on a variaty of topics (WARNING) are some scruples running lose even on sermonaudio. i HAVE Discovered I am a Fundementalist,Calvinist,Covanant,Reform,Prodistant,Puritan,Baptist,Elect,Posttrib,Premillennialist(CHRISTIAN) at least for now
Now we,ve got you figured out(heh heh)

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