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Survey4/14/08 4:44 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Paul said to drink a little wine instead of so much water, which is good for the stomach.

News Item11/13/07 12:41 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I would say someone is going to get chewed out by a ticked off Admiral... poo runs downhill in the military.

To further comment...

I have found that the Bible doesnt contain all the wisdom that is to be known, but rather the method in which we could learn all that we as men can know. Who knows whether an animals soul goes to heaven. I think that is in Proverbs somewhere.

I am loosely paraphrasing because i am too lazy to look the verse up.

Also in 1 Corinthians i believe, Paul talks about Communion and he gives some instruction. At the end of his instruction he does say that there is more to be taught but he would like to wait till he is in person with them.

I say that there is more to learn than what the Bible teaches. But it does tell you how.

Oh, also...
Remember when the Saducees asked Jesus about marriage at the resurrection. He replied that they asked this question because they didnt know God nor the Scriptures. I dont know, i guess you have to have both in order to get a true understanding. Perhaps we can change the meaning of Biblical Hermaneutics to "Knowing God"

Survey6/15/07 7:13 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I feel ya, i just cant stand to stray from the mirror! Why wouldnt someone want to be me!? The hardest part about my life is being humble because, i mean, look at me and then look at you! yeah good point man...

News Item6/15/07 12:56 AM
Mgarsteck  Find all comments by Mgarsteck
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It also says to rebuke and discipline. Remember how Paul said to kick out the sexually immoral brother?

Survey6/14/07 8:17 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Alan H,

Titus 2:
4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

I dont know if this is what you would call teach, but i would consider it close. I dont know. Also remember that there were women prophets. I know that woman is not to have authority or to teach a man. I said that in the post before. And i have openly stated this in my own life and have been bashed for it.

Survey6/13/07 9:53 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Women can teach, just not men and neither to have authority over them. They teach children and other women.

Survey6/13/07 3:34 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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1 Corinthians 11:
34If anyone is hungry, he should eat at home, so that when you meet together it may not result in judgment. And when I come I will give further directions.

News Item6/13/07 1:14 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Well said. I feel that we are all indeed sinners but the Bible says that those that are in Christ are free from sin. This does not mean we are all perfect but Paul says that the Holy Spirit is working with those that are disobedient. You keep the faith and keep looking to Jesus seeking to be cleansed and fully dwelling within Him. He who the Son sets free is free indeed.

News Item6/12/07 4:58 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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well i guess the evangelical church is just as bad. I mean, look at how many people here dont agree or get along...
i understand all this, thats why we need to get along and be unified under one truth.

News Item6/12/07 12:34 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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It does seem interesting what you wrote john. The RCC says that unless you are of the RCC you are not going to heaven and now these people are saying that unless you are of the evangelical church, even if you are a Christ follower, you are doomed as well. Or something like that. I believe in church unity and that those who are of Christ should be united under one Church. If we are united in Christ, then why are we so divided? Yet we havent gotten to that point of unity and i dont think anyone really wants to. i hope that changes someday.

News Item6/11/07 6:46 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I think there is a major difference in losing your job and suing for all kinds of money and then a woman being raped.

Venegance is the Lord's to repay. I believe we are to forgive, just as we have been forgiven. If someone is murdered, forgive them and allow them a clean slate just as we have been allowed. That is of course, if they repent. Dont allow someone back on the streets if they are going to do it again.

We are not to fight back when we are persecuted, but to flee.

News Item6/11/07 6:20 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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So, is she suing the school? Ok, that would be quite interesting. If she is being "persecuted" for sticking up for her Christian beliefs, then she should also stick to them by loving all and not suing them. Does not the fact that they sue show they have already failed?

Survey6/11/07 5:50 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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As for commentators, whether we should listen to them or not. Who is to say that you should listen to your pastor? Do they know God or not? Do they know the truth or not. I mean, i believe we ought to have the one universal understanding of what is truth and what is not. What is false and what is truth needs to be known. Then when that person knows the truth and has that understanding and speaks as God speaks through them with the knowledge and wisdom that comes from God, then we can listen to them.

Survey6/11/07 3:47 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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there are no teachers in the NT? What about in James when it says that not all should seek to be teachers for they will be judged more harshly?

Survey6/11/07 12:50 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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If faith were not of God as a gift, and faith being on us, we would have something to boast of.
And everyone keeps saying gift of God, and i would like to thank everyone for this. My name is matthew and that means gift of God. lol. its like everyone is saying my name. jk guys.

Survey6/10/07 3:51 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I really dont listen to luther for the fact that he said to sin boldly and all that. I understand he is talking about grace but then again he should read the scriptures that we are not to use our freedom as a license to sin. Such a man that says to sin and its ok, you are forgiven, i will not listen to such a man for the man speaking by the Spirit of God will not say such a thing.

Survey6/10/07 9:58 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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We are to give as we are able to give. God doesnt want us to feel compelled to give for He desires a cheerful giver. Paul said this and in Acts is shows in chapter 2 of how the church considered nothing of their own and gave freely. Paul said that the goal was to make sure everyone's needs were taken care of. That if someone is in need you would help them if you have what they need. So i see my brother in need, i help him even if it is not in matters of money. I have a work truck with an 8 foot bed. He needs some things moved and so i help him. I am doing what God wants me to do even though i dont have money to give.

Survey6/10/07 9:48 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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One that i like better,
1 John 2:27- as for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real and not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in Him.

I just did a study on unity in the faith. I took 5 and a quarter pages of notes on this subject. It is so necessary for us who are all in one Body to get along and become one. I mean, its so important. it proves that we are of Christ, it also makes it so much easier to spread our message and be more effective in ministry when the whole body comes together for one fight and one mission. Thats when we can stand up underneath immense persecution. If we were all unified we would be persecuted so much more. Just as God has called us to believe, He has also called us to be persecuted. The persecution shows that those who persecute us are not of the faith and those who are being persecuted are of the faith.
I say we all start seeking to unify the church and come to one understanding, in love.

Survey6/10/07 9:29 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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i think that JD might just be onto something here. Last year when i was deployed in the desert i had an atheist room mate. We got into great debates and there was something that i realized. This man brought up a lot of questions that i could not answer. It was a great test of my faith and i realized that truth needs to be realized. I thought of all the denominations in the Church today and i realize that you cant have a bunch of different people who walk with Christ teach several different things. this is where i pleaded with God to remove all deception from me and remove all my own oppinions and to let the truth dwell in me.
It was a rough time but as time goes by the Lord has proven faithful. I have realized that we have to come to one understanding. We cant rely on mans wisdom or have our own oppinions regarding truth. We have to teach from the wisdom that God gives us. For we are all one body and one Spirit. I seek to have no oppinion of my own but to have truth dwell in me. The only thing i want to know is Christ and nothing else. I have kept a notebook lately with writings and studies that are from God and they are more precious to me than pure gold. I would be crushed if something happened to my notebook.

Survey6/10/07 2:28 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I could add something to all this.
I think justification by faith alone is an amazing aspect of our faith. Amazing doesnt even describe it. To think that someone would be saved from their sin and become a child of God just be faith alone proves that it is of God. For how could man by his own power achieve such a thing. It is such a simple concept and yet so profound that it just has the finger prints of God all over. It just shows the power and the grace of God.
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