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News Item3/19/07 11:13 PM
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Good point, Mike. I don't want grouchy complaining, whining kids. Maybe some people just want to enforce grumpy and disgruntled temperaments. The OIL, yes that's right o-i-l will have to deal with this .

News Item3/11/07 10:19 PM
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I'll listen to more of it later, Chris. Have a good day down-under.

News Item3/11/07 9:18 PM
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Thanks Chris. I saw the first few minutes. It sounds interesting, but still leaves me asking questions. Perhaps the answers come later in the program?

News Item3/10/07 1:49 PM
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"United States has ignored the plight of the suffering, and that he believes children should have private time to pray at school."

Yep, he's right about that. It all goes back to selfishness for sure: ignoring suffering, forbidding prayer, legalized abortion, etc.....

News Item3/8/07 9:40 PM
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You'll find out when Jesus returns, what he approves of. In the mean time I'm satisfied with my two feet and a bicycle. And also in the mean time it's a good idea to replace gasoline with something much cleaner and renewable. I know the oil companies don't like to hear that, but somebody's gotta help bring them down on their knees permanently, unless they agree to help manufacture alternative fuels.

Sermon3/8/07 1:25 AM
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Interesting sermon ”
However, I don't agree how he comes to some of these conclusions. Some of what he says is true, like the part about the economy based on a chip or mark in the hand or forehead. That much I do agree with.

News Item3/6/07 11:09 PM
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Good point, Anonymous. It's like that part about "burning more CO2." It sounds like Mr. Gore has done more science than these guys. CO2 does not burn. That's why it's the main ingredient in certain fire extinguishers.

Chris, I might believe your proposal about man-made global warming as a hoax when the natural source of chlorofluorocarbons(CFC's) is found. CFC's account for being some of the most powerful gases at trapping heat. They're also known not to be produced outside of human industry.

News Item3/6/07 3:10 PM
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I'll tolerate global warming only within the walls of my sauna...
Well, Jim, you're right about a few things: sever ties to the Mid-East oil barons, use alternatives. I agree with you on that at least. In the long haul, God will see after his flock, yet I believe we should always seek more improved industrial activities to ensure better health of myself and neighbors.

Ha, that part in the article about "burning more CO2" still amuses me. CO2 suffocates fires and humans in high enough concentrations; it doesn't burn. So much for the credibility of these guys.

News Item3/6/07 1:32 PM
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It's all quite logical: Certain gases known to trap heat are increasing. Some of these gases aren't known to exist naturally. Obviously some "smart" inventer is to blame.

From the Article: "African countries should be encouraged to burn more CO2..." That's news to me. CO2 doesn't burn, but comes from burning. Sounds like these folks are as confused as the other camp. Well, Mike and Mike, that's cool(literally) but doesn't really say much. I concur with Nic. I've seen the glaciers, heard friends tell me the water is up in the bays, etc.

News Item3/6/07 10:53 AM
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Hmm..interesting. How then do they explain some of these gases only known to exist in chemical labs and industries? Lie? I don't think so, but we shall see. On the other hand, God will take care of his creation in due time:"Thou shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." So it is paramount to maintain the creation God has given us. And He will see us through such issues in one way or another.

News Item3/4/07 9:08 PM
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Concerning the statement from the Church of Scotland, I think that reference to "ceremony" refers to Roman rituals--prayers to and for the dead, helping the dead by a mass or some similar service, etc., not necessarily rejecting God.

News Item3/4/07 2:32 AM
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Well, Chris, I will admit you make a good point there. They don't have much of a conscience and homosexuality is destructive to life as well. If they want to be good greenies, they need to repent of that lifestyle also.

News Item3/3/07 10:51 PM
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Not sure why they should be too worried, whether greens, gores, or otherwise. They should believe the Bible which testifies of God: "Thou shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." On the other hand being a good steward of God's creation is not paganism, but common sense.

News Item3/3/07 9:43 PM
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It's a kind of rather murky area, the teaching on such. Demons can be overemphasized and we end up just saying "The devil made me do it," instead of taking responsibilty. On the other hand evil spirits are real beings and must be dealt with when such are determined(according to scriptural descriptions) to be tormenting somebody. As for the young lady mentioned in John's posts, I rejoice she was freed. I just wouldn't worry about family history and curses...just deal with it right then and there with a firm rebuke to adjur the spirits. Some folks would say, in regard to this article(beer), there are spirits of alcoholism, etc, but the New Testament doesn't speak in such terms. What one consumes is that individual's responsibilty to obey and be sober or disobey and suffer the consequences the Aposltes described would come upon drunkards.

News Item3/3/07 8:25 PM
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So the blood of Jesus is not sufficient. At least that's how I see it. Where in the New Testament do the Apostles elaborate on it, these blood line curses? The Apostles confessed one is a new creation, and there's no need to search history records or whatever to straighten out a family. Jesus was already cursed for us "Cursed is everyone who hangeth on a tree." It's done, finished. He did it all. Believe all sins forgiven and be free and made a new creation. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." There was talk of generational curses in my family, but even with all the conferences and prosperity/health-wealth teachers, speaking in tongues(although I don't deny speaking in tongues), prayers, etc, everyone is pretty much the same, maybe worse. I think the matter lies more in the heart, not family history. I'm not mad at anyone, but just telling you my point of view and from where I started and where I am now in faith.

News Item3/3/07 5:15 PM
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I think the blood-line curse teaching is an erroneous doctrine. Jesus took care of our sin problem. All we need to do is repent and believe. I know of plenty of good Christian believers who are mightily blessed of God but they don't attend a church which teaches the generational curse doctrine. Jesus took care of it. Repent, believe, and act in faith.

News Item3/3/07 2:05 PM
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Hmm...blood line curses. Sounds like something I was raised to believe was true, but is it? I think it predominates in various charismatic sects.

News Item3/3/07 11:37 AM
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There are a lot of divisions under the pope's rule: traditionalists, progressives, evangelicals, sedevacantists, charismatics, feminists, etc, all interpreting the Bible, catechisms, popes' writings, and other documents of the Roman Catholic Church. Many and maybe most Protestant churches have inter-congregational fellowship in one way or another. One good way to see this is to look at the local Christian newsletter in a large city.

News Item3/2/07 9:24 PM
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My mom told me the other day she heard an add for some Episcopal church here, inviting people to come. Some outstanding words: "We won't change you." I told my mom, "Sounds just like the Episcopal Church." Just thought I'd add this as part of the Episcopal order of salvation, which doesn't sound like the Apostles' order of repent of repentance and faith(Acts 2:38, 3:19, 10:43, 16:31).

News Item3/2/07 3:13 PM
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Yes, Jim, many Anglicans have opted to start their own congregations based on a more literal reading of their original statement of faith which is quite reformed and protestant in verbage.
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