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News Item10/22/19 2:29 PM
Scott | Australia  Protected NameFind all comments by Scott
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Speaking as an Australian, this is the same press that almost without exception passes off leftist propaganda as accepted facts and silences anyone who does not fit the approved narrative.

News Item12/8/17 4:29 PM
Scott | Australia  Protected NameFind all comments by Scott
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Awakening in the 80-90's???
Only if you think getting a few victims of slick supposed evangelism to raise their hand and repeat the sinners prayer is an awakening.

News Item12/8/17 4:28 PM
Scott | Australia  Protected NameFind all comments by Scott
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Awakening in the 80-90's???
Only if you think getting a few victims of slick supposed evangelism to raise their hand and repeat the singers prayer is an awakening.

Sermon10/18/17 10:11 PM
Scott | Ocala  Find all comments by Scott
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I'm Tired
Dr. Andy Bloom
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message will help you. Please listen and share.

Sermon9/11/17 9:00 AM
Scott | Tulsa  Find all comments by Scott
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Various Trials
Ricky Jones
“ Great Sermon! ”
---so glad Ricky is taking on James! It's a book I feel like I intentionally avoid, so this is much needed by me for sure.

Sermon2/26/17 3:23 PM
Scott | Utah  Find all comments by Scott
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Rightly Responding to the Word
Pastor Steven Dilday
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you pastor Dilday for this excellent sermon and for your work with the Matthew Poole project.

News Item2/10/17 10:00 AM
Scott | N.C.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Scott
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Albert wrote:
I don't have much education,but you ought to go study the word of GOD,as first of all it maybe the HOLY SPIRIT will open your eyes,and you will see that the JAMES who wrote the book of James was an actual apostle.
But Hey
Thats Why "ye must be born again"

Blog1/11/17 1:20 PM
Scott | Texas  Find all comments by Scott
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News Item12/14/16 12:11 PM
Scott  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Scott
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That shows how social media can be used to manipulate people. We have to be careful about that.

Sermon11/12/16 2:19 PM
Scott  Find all comments by Scott
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War In Heaven
Pastor Charles Garrison
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for the message! I thought it was excellent. I think you may be correct in that the war in heaven may be in connection to the rapture of the saints. Also, I appreciated what you said about Christ being an advocate in contrast to the devil being our accuser.

News Item9/18/16 8:21 AM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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Interesting angle from a Washingron Times piece.
Getting close to the election for articles like this to get through the editor without a purpose.
But then again I assume media outlets have an agenda...silly me.

Sermon9/6/16 10:02 AM
scott  Find all comments by scott
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Sports to the Glory of God?
Kevin Boling
“ Great Sermon! ”
If the Devil had the capability to sit down at the time of the great spiritual downgrade with the demons and come up with one ploy to have men replace the God of scripture with another idol...then sport would be top of the list. Soccer in the UK...teams and players idolised as 'gods' and terrace anthems replacing hymns, whilst stadiums replace churches for the Lord's Day, gathering to sing odes to the gods of football, paid millions for kicking a piece of leather, often poor examples of human beings these superstars are often prideful sinful men setting a wicked example. Ladies aping men in the 21st century playing men's sports Rugby and football, dressed in less than most Victorian saints underwear. Something is amiss with this love of the world and love of money?

News Item8/3/16 6:12 AM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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I meant border guards defending our border.

News Item8/3/16 6:11 AM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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I'm absolutely no fan fan of this president what so EVER! But let's all remember that former president George W. Bush not only left our southern border open, but imprisoned Border Guards for doing so. I only mention this because we have a corruption problem in this country that's flood waters spill across both political parties.
Only the Lord Jesus will bring righteousness to the world. I think we should remember who the enemy is, the prince of the power of the air. Vilifying one another over loyalty to unrighteous political leaders isn't productive. Give God The Glory

News Item7/20/16 5:23 PM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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I can relate, the lack of honoring the office during this admin. Writing in a candidate will be the only way for me to vote this election.
I pray no offense has been created here. My intentions in writing to begin with were in reaction to some earlier posts.
I'm afraid we, like so many cultures before us, have moved so far away from Holiness that even the Godly are far away. I often think of the fact that Samson was among his peers, the one whom God chose as their deliverer. How far had the culture slid for Samson to be God's man. Maybe history repeats itself.

News Item7/20/16 4:58 PM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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Interesting. That is my precise reasoning for being a non participant. I believe I have been left with no option. Choosing wickedness is not a choice.

News Item7/20/16 4:20 PM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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At what point do you unpeg from the system?

News Item7/20/16 3:34 PM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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Jim, you would vote for anybody who endorses the murder of babies, stands by while Hero's die defending one of her state department out posts, lies to you, me, congress and the American people.
Thanks, but no thanks for your endorsement. You might mean well, but no thank you.

News Item7/20/16 2:58 PM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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Steve R.
Remember D. Bonhoeffer. I know we are not Nazi Germany. And I'm NOT comparing Trump to Hitler.
But we cannot make small compromises today that will lead to greater ones.
Even the nation of Israel offered their children on the altars of Molech.

News Item7/20/16 2:55 PM
Scott | Florida  Find all comments by Scott
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What we see in our nation currently is proof we are being judged now. If your convinced Mr. Trump will do what you have stated then your conscience is clear. But I've interviewed and hired many people and based on what I've seen during Donald's interview, coupled with his resume...I cannot hire him.
Why, like cattle, do we blindly do our "civic duty" and follow the other cow's in front of us believing we have to vote for a man you would be embarrassed to introduce to your mother. Let alone the King of kings. Friends we are Servants of Christ before we are American citizens. And I am an American through and through. But the Kingdom of God is eternal, what we have now in America is temporary.
Our country's problem is not who sits In The Oval Office. The problem is with us and how we live-we need to worthy of the cross of Christ.
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