Greg Reynolds was born in Boston; studied architecture and became a Christian out of the counterculture in 1971; studied with Dr. Francis Schaeffer at L¹Abri Fellowship in Switzerland; completed his B.A. at Covenant College, M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary, and D.Min. from Westminster Theological Seminary in California, where he lectures. He is the...Greg Reynolds was born in Boston; studied architecture and became a Christian out of the counterculture in 1971; studied with Dr. Francis Schaeffer at L¹Abri Fellowship in Switzerland; completed his B.A. at Covenant College, M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary, and D.Min. from Westminster Theological Seminary in California, where he lectures. He is the author of The Word Is Worth a Thousand Picture: Preaching in the Electronic Age (2001) and editor of Ordained Servant: A Journal for Church Officers. | more | less