Every time a new President is elected, there seems to be a fight as old things are kicked out and new things are brought in. And it is a similar case when Jesus makes His presence known in a heart that has been previously ruled by sin and darkness.
Here we find the Pharisees questioning Jesus as to why His disciples refused to fast like they themselves did. Jesus told them that it would not be approprioate for them to do such activities at this time since He – the spiritual Bridegroom and Messiah for Whom they had waited so long – was with them, and this was a time for gladness and rejoicing and feasting!
Then the Pharisees took issue with the disciples picking grain to eat, and rubbing it in their hands on the Sabbath Day. Although it was a good thing for them to desire to honor the Sabbath, Jesus made it clear to them that He was the One Who made the Sabbath for us to slow down and enjoy our relationship with Him. The Pharisees twisted the gift of God as a mark of how holy they were, instead of how good our God is. If we want to find rest for our hearts, then we need to spend time with Jesus on the day that He has given us.
In the synagogue, the Pharisees were wondering whether or not Jesus would actually help a man and heal him on the Sabbath. He was righteously angry at their self-righteousness, and He healed the man's hand. And this is not a fable – it is real history!
Are we rejoicing in Jesus? Our Savior has ushered in a new era of grace – are we rejoicing in how merciful He is? And are we looking for situations of need that we can help in, like Jesus did, even when it's uncomfortable? |