Even though people often have more respect for those who speak the truth, being consistently truthful can be a very difficult thing. But God is a God of truth, and He has made it clear to us in His Word that people who tell lies encounter serious consequences (e.g., Ananias and Sapphira).
There are all kinds of ways in which we are often untruthful – whether it is exaggerating, leaving out details, believing untruths about other people without evidence, or telling outright falsehoods. One small lie starts great fires, and the Lord assures us that liers don't have a place in heaven. The Psalms describe those who dwell on God's holy hill as being those who tell the truth.
As believers, we strive to be truthful because we have put on Christ. He is the only human being Who has never lied; and if we love Him, we will endeavor to imitate Him and keep His Commandments. Is His Spirit within us, helping us to tell the truth no matter what the cost? |