Where do we go when sickness and death knock at our door? In this passage from Mark's Gospel, we see that Jesus does not brush away His people when they come to Him in need, no matter how high or how lowly they may be.
The woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment in the crowd on the way to Jairus' house was desparate for Him. She had been separated and isolated for 12 long years, but now she was healed – physically, spiritually, and relationally – and told to go in peace.
Before Jesus arrived at Jairus' home, his daughter was dead. But Jesus told him to not be afraid, and only believe. Despite the words of the professional mourners who were already assembled at the house, Jesus went in and raised the little girl back to life.
It is to Jesus that we are to turn in our situations of sorrow! Suffering in this life is often a lonely road, but our suffering is not purposeless! When we are in such seasons of sorrow, how do we get the same hope that Jairus and this woman had?
First of all, we need to know Who our God is! It is He Who created all things, including us; and it is He Who gives us all good gifts. We need to realize that it is sin that has robbed us of our health and life; decay and death are sad realities. But we need to sink ourselves in God's Word and promises so that when trials come, we have those promises ready at hand! We may freely go to Jesus in prayer, for He is always ready and willing to hear and help us. It also helps to share our burden with our brothers and sisters in Christ. But be amazed at the sovereign love of Jesus! Not even death can separate us from His love. And every day we wake up is one day closer to spending eternity with Him! |