Why are Q. 33 and Q. 86 so far apart in the catechism when faith is necessary to receive the benefits of being effectually called? Q. 3 separates these concepts because one involves who God is and what He does, and the other involves the duty required of man in response to God. Duty involves obedience and grace from God. God brings salvation by acting upon man by the Holy Spirit. What is man's chief end? What is the aim of life? What are you getting out of life? The catechism communicates that the elect get God out of life--we learn to reflect Him and the glory He has. The elect are separated unto Him in the purity He represents. What does it mean to enjoy Him? The elect possess, produce, and experience delight. The elect value communion with Him and testify to the joy of experiencing life with God. God gives His elect a measure and standard for knowing and experiencing Him by His Law. The elect are guided, regulated, and controlled in the pursuit of God. Scripture is the only map to direct His elect to their destination--to God and a likeness of Him. This duty involves loyalty to God who is superior. Surrender is owed as a fundamental response to His position as God. |