Here the Lord is calling out fathers. A tragic result of the Fall is that men no longer want to be men. But that is not acceptable. Fathers are specifically called upon to raise their children; and in doing so, they are to model our Heavenly Father.
The American crisis of the absence of fathers erodes the foundations of the family. Society is holding up the single mother as a model of virtue, but it shouldn't be that way. When mothers and fathers are together like God wants, the statistical numbers drop to nothing. There is indeed a benefit to following God's ways!
However, even when fathers are present in the home, they can mess up. And unfortunately, our society makes it very hard for them to do what is right, by enticing them to seek after their own pleasures or hobbies or jobs. But if fathers don't invest in their children's lives now, they won't get it back later. Christian fathers, in particular, are called upon to not be consumed with themselves and their own lives.
Fathers aren't to be their children's slaves, but they should be thoughtful of them and kind to them. This doesn't mean that discipline is not required. In fact, it is necessary; even our Heavenly Father disciplines us in love! And this is to be done with our own children by teaching and admonishing them with instruction from the Word of God (Deut. 6:6).
Fathers, we must admonish our sons and daughters in the Lord! Let's pray for grace to not just think of their external joy alone, but may God also help us to encourage them to be in the Word and enjoy a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ! |