Matthew 13 is a theologically rich chapter, speaking of the Kingdom of Heaven. As the people of God, we have received the mysteries of God revealed in Jesus Christ. We have received His grace, and we are responsible for sharing that with the lost.
Today we are not examining the four kinds of soil in the parable; rather, we are taking a closer look at the Sower himself. First, we observe that his only intention was to sow seed. Similarly, God did not give us the seed of the Gospel just to have us save it up and keep it to ourselves. He wants it to be sown! That is what Christ Himself left heaven and came to earth to do – to sow the seed of the Gospel among mankind.
The Sower's method of sowing his seed was to scatter it everywhere. That is what we are to do when we sow the seed of the Gospel; we are called to all the ends of the earth to tell the lost world about Jesus and what He has done for sinners. We need to make sure that everyone from every circle of our life hears the Gospel from our lips. If we want to see the Church grow, then we need to go and sow!
Was the Sower successful? The parable makes it clear that he lost a lot of seed. We have no control over the soil or the amount of fruit that each plant will produce. But God is the Lord of the harvest! When we have sown the seed, we have done our job; and then we can pray for Him to make it grow and be fruitful.
Let's pray for grace that we may always be ready to sow the seed of the Gospel! We must remember that different people will respond differently to the seed, but we need not lose hope. When we do our job and go and sow, we will see a multiutude of a harvest ready for Jesus! |