SERMON OUTLINE: 2 Timothy 1:15 – 2:7 Looking for a Few Good Men
I. A call to ____________________________ A. The background: ____________________, chap. 1 (end)
B. Faithful in ________________________, v. 2
C. Faithful in ____________ ___________________, v. 3
D. Faithful in __________________, vv. 1,7
II. How can a person ________________ this faithfulness? 3 Images
A. Soldier => _______________________, v. 4
- Avoid
B. Athlete => _______________________, v. 5
C. Farmer => ________________________ and ____________________________,v. 6
D. The _______________ _______________, vv. 1 & 7
III. The result: __________________
A. 3 images: Soldier – Athlete – Farmer –
B. The Christian:
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