In this conversation shortly before His death, Jesus is telling His disciples to keep His words, and all will be well. We must keep His commandments in order to be in Him, and to have Him be in us. What are these commandments? They are summed up in these words: love God and love your neighbor.
So are we under the Law, then? It is true that we are under grace, but the Law still exists. We are God's workmanship, created for good works. As Paul says in Romans 13:8-10, we are to love one another, which fulfills the commandment.
The Law is not binding for salvation; but it still exists, and it is there for us to follow. The Law of God shows us the sins that we are committing, and it helps to train us in the ways of righteousness.
However, there is none of us that can say, "I have kept all the commandments!" The sad fact is that we fail. But Jesus did keep the Law of the Lord perfectly, and He wants us to repent of our sins and love Him. In and of ourselves, we will never perfectly keep the whole Law; but Jesus says, "Come to Me and find rest and righteousness!" |