Today we will be introduced to the most important Person Who has ever lived: the Lord Jesus Himself!
Here in this passage, Jesus is presented to us as the Mighty One. When we are baptized, we are united with Him and His perfect obedience. He was One Who came from a place of no important reputation, and He was born to an average working family. He humbled Himself to point of becoming a human being like us, and He was baptized to identify with His people. The Holy Spirit worked through Jesus' life to accomplish the Father's will of reconciling sinners to Himself. At His baptism, the heavens were ripped open and the Father openly declared Him to be His beloved Son. He is the Messianic King (Psalm 2) that the Father had promised for so long. And He is also the victorious One Who was tempted by the devil, battling face to face with our spiritual adversary for 40 days; but He passed the test that Adam and every other human being has failed!
Will we receive, rest on, and learn from this Jesus as He offers us salvation and redemption in the good news of His Gospel? |