We tend to think that the Second Commandment is not really relevant today. After all, we don't worship idols, right? But even though we may not bow down to a graven image or burn incense in pagan shrines, we still worship other things besides the Lord.
The people of the Old Testament were often tempted to bow down to idols like Baal, even though they were expressly forbidden to do so, since Jehovah was their God. He Himself is to be the object of our worship and the consumer of our worship! He will not permit us to take the worship that rightly belongs to Him and give it to any other person or thing. He cannot be represented by an image or anything that can be made by human hands. But we do have one Person that we can look to and see the glory of God visually -- and His name is Jesus! He is "the icon" of the Father. If you want to see the Father, see the Son!
Why is there this prohibition against worshiping anything or anyone else but the Lord? Because He doesn't want to share His people with any other competing power or influence. He has a burning passion to love them! He is zealous for their love and for His glory!
If we make any other image, we are essentially saying that we hate God. And our children will naturally pick up on this. But thankfully it doesn't end there! The Lord shows mercy and lovingkindness to thousands of those who love Him and keep His Commandments!
Do you love and serve the Lord alone? If you're honest, you'll admit that your heart is divided. So what hope is there? It is Jesus Christ! We serve the Lord only because Jesus perfectly kept this Law and loved His Father with a perfect love! And now it is our blessing to worship God in Christ! |