James Hakim | Family WorshipHopewell ARP | FRI 08/26/2022 Devotional | 23 min

Bob Vincent | Bible CharactersSermons by Bob and Others | SUN 11/01/2009 380+ | 44 min

Stephen A. Chronister | The Book of JoelCliffside Community Chapel |
| SUN 01/31/2021 320+ | 73 min

Pastor Philip Knowles | Gospel Mission 2022South Grove Free Presbyterian |
| SUN 10/23/2022 240+ | 38 min

James Lewis Harvest Baptist Temple |
| SUN 11/29/2009 220+ | 40 min

Joey Faust | DivorceOld Path Baptist Church |
| WED 11/16/2022 180+ | 40 min

Pastor Andrew Webb | DeuteronomyProvidence ARP Church | SUN 02/22/2009 180+ | 30 min

Jerry N. Thrower | DiscipleshipCentral Baptist Church | SUN 11/17/2019 100+ | 41 min

Dr. John McKnight Reformation Bible Church |
| SUN 12/18/2016 Sunday Service | 35 min

Arnold Brevick | PsalmsWord of Life Church | SUN 01/31/2021 Sunday - PM | 37 min
