E. A. Johnston Evangelism Awakening | WED 07/25/2012 21,980+ | 29 min
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson | Christian ServiceGreenville Seminary | WED 12/03/2003 16,380+ | 65 min
Peter Nortier | Repent or PerishMercies Of God Association | SUN 06/19/2011 3,760+ | 42 min
Dr. Steve Hereford | HalloweenChanged By Grace | SUN 10/25/1998 2,240+ | 35 min
Dr. John McKnight Reformation Bible Church |
| SUN 09/19/2021 380+ | 62 min
Jerry N. Thrower Central Baptist Church |
| WED 12/06/2023 140+ | 18 min
Pastor Jeff Crippen | Gospel of MatthewChrist Reformation Church | SUN 06/24/2018 1,240+ | 51 min
Ricky Jones | PeterRiverOaks Presbyterian Church | SUN 11/15/2009 1,080+ | 42 min
Rev. Arnoud T. Vergunst | Bible TopicsReformed Congregations of NZ | WED 06/13/2012 660+ | 65 min
Vincent Sawyer | ComfortFaith Baptist Church | SUN 11/06/2005 440+ | 46 min
Rev. Allen Harris | Gospel of MatthewColumbia Presbyterian Church | SUN 05/04/2008 440+ | 38 min
Rev. Allen Harris | Gospel of MatthewColumbia Presbyterian Church | SUN 04/27/2008 400+ | 35 min