Pastor John MacArthur Grace to You | SUN 12/22/2019 18,440+ | 54 min

Dr. James White | AtheismAlpha and Omega Ministries | SAT 09/26/2009 6,820+ | 161 min

Dr. James White | Papyrus P45Phoenix Reformed Baptist | SUN 10/22/2017 3,460+ | 49 min

Kevin Zuber The GraceLife Pulpit | SUN 11/07/2021 3,440+ | 56 min

Charles Lawson Charles Lawson |
| WED 03/17/2021 1,360+ | 41 min

Pastor Joseph LoSardo | Messiah in MatthewBread of Life Fellowship | SUN 10/09/2016 1,160+ | 56 min

Dr. Stephen G. Myers Puritan Reformed Theological | WED 12/06/2017 1,100+ | 33 min

Rev. Pieter VanderMeyden Heritage Reformed Congregation | SUN 01/19/2020 920+ | 45 min

Dr. Stephen G. Myers Puritan Reformed Theological | WED 11/14/2018 900+ | 35 min

Dr. Joel Beeke Heritage Reformed Congregation |
| WED 12/12/2018 820+ | 49 min
