Search: Praise
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Page 1 | Found: 14,561 sermons ... showing first 500 |
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Dr. Alan Cairns Faith FPC | SUN 04/04/2004 5,980+ | 40 min

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C. H. Spurgeon Prince of Preachers | FRI 09/04/2015 8,840+ | 50 min

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Rev. Paul Ipema | 1 Samuel SeriesCommunity United Reformed | SUN 09/29/2013 4,520+ | 39 min

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Douglas Van Dorn | Isaiah SeriesReformed Baptist of N. Co. | SUN 10/10/2004 2,620+ | 39 min

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Dr. Philip Ryken Tenth |
| SUN 06/13/2010 2,500+ | 28 min

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John Dorsey Murrayville Baptist Church | TUE 03/09/2010 2,300+ | 41 min

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Dr. Paul Tripp Paul Tripp Ministries |
| SUN 05/18/2008 1,820+ | 20 min

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