Great Sermon! Thank you once again for this sermon hopefully it won’t just be like a morning cloud to me.
Regarding voting responsibility we really are left with deciding which is the least harmful or voting tactically to avoid the most harmful party coming to power
Now we are out of the EU we no longer have the fig leaf that the bad laws were imposed on us. With greater freedom comes greater accountability to God
Great Sermon! My dear brother, thank you for a word in season. . I was challenged in the most positive way whilst cycling to Balloch from the West End of Glasgow . It was indeed my pleasure to have the company of both the Holy Spirit. And yourself as the word was opened into my heart.... It may well have been raining cats n dogs, but the company was divine.
Really marvelous, Kenny! Not in the flesh, though it is that way too; but more — in the Spirit! With proper reference & credit I hope to reprise a form of it for my people this Lord’s Day in a Communion sermon! The contrast between our current famine, and Christ’s provision in the ‘table,’ is too delicious to pass by!
And the malady, as you describe it — is SO PERTINENT TODAY! We ‘are’ in danger this famine killing us!!! We are desperate for God’s Spirit to awaken us again! Desperate! And so you said. Thanks so much from this silly American! I remember you with much fondness!
Great Sermon! Earlier this year I was thinking life and society has become very complex, hope can we ever get back to a much simpler way of living. Then our God comes in His perfect ways and COVID-19 sweeps across the international stage. Life was suddenly simpler and I had more time to listen to Him, to pray in my chamber and all due to the mercy of God. Praise Him and thank you for much to chew on Kenneth. I had not considered the safe haven or refuge idea. I am going to listen again to the sermon as the is so much to feed on. May the Lord continue to strengthen you and sustain you Kenneth.
Only truth sets us free Praise GOD for HIS WORD, for HIS uncompromising TRUTH designed to set people free, Praise HIM that HE is still raising up watchmen.
Whilst at home HE has had me also in HIS WORD, seeking HIS FACE. I have been introduced to the writings of John Calvin, to the sermons of John Piper, and now introduced to your sermons also, so encouraged that what i believe GOD is saying to me through his word, that he has sent HIS PEOPLE home, to seek HIS FACE, you have expressed so much better than me a simple man Lancashire. That verse in Ezekiel "I sort for a man to stand in the gap, and found none." has to be for the church of our day, that we might wake up.
This past week the theme has been "THE CLEANSING BLOOD OF JESUS."
This as I read through Exodus, and see THE MERCIES OF GOD, over and over, no wonder we sing amazing GRACE.
Two words struck me this morning spoken to Aaron and those with him, "Wait here" Exodus 24 v 14 - Wait to hear from GOD, be still and know that I AM GOD." "Draw close to me, and I will draw close to you" "Wait upon THE LORD, wait i say upon THE LORD."
If GOD did not spare HIS OWN SON,but delivered HIM up for us all, how shall HE not with HIM also freely give us all things?
For GOD so loved, the world, HE gave.
Be blessed my brother, press on.
A Call to Prayer You've given me something to chew on and consider. My focus has been on the perceived corruption of political leaders & the injustice of men. Forgetting God has put us away to our homes closed up. I need to hear your sermon again with my daughters! I thank God for you.
Powerful word of G-D As America suffer through this COVID crisis, I’ve been praying to G-D to make me part of the 8 in Noah’s day! I was led to read Ezekiel and 14:14 struck me and while meditating on it, I found your sermon, I’ve listened to it 3 times and taking notes, I believe it was given for such a time as this! Bless you!
Great Sermon! Wonderful expository teaching strengthening my understanding of vs 15.
Brought up in RP church in LA and my father was the rev Charles h Chao who found RTF with Sam Boyle.
So very needful for us to hear Thank you so much for this must needed message for us in these days.We all need to get into our prayer closets and pray for repentance not only for those in the world but ourselves also. I have needed this conviction myself to examine my heart and to honour God and to make sure my prayers are from His will as revealed in the Bible.
Like the things that happened to Joseph, even the worst of things, God can use for good. We all have a time to be alone with God, no distractions, may we use this time wisely.I am so glad to have found your sermons.
Fantastic ! I know that God is speaking to the world at this time but through this sermon he has spoken to me.
We as Christians have to be a lot more willing to put serving our Lord always the number one priority .
Great Sermon! It's so good to hear preachers who are not afraid to preach the truth about God's judgments. He is right; we need to examine ourselves and repent, and we need to acknowledge the national sins that are bringing God's judgment and pray for change.
And he is right that few people seem to be asking why God is bringing this pandemic on us all. May the Lord send His Spirit and bring about repentance and conversions all over the world.
The sermon greatly needed at this time Thank you for this .We do need to go into our secret chamber and pray. At this time through these days there seems to have arisen in some believers such a deep sense of conviction of sin and humbling of heart.
We have asked “How can this come so suddenly upon us ?” ...and yet we as Christians should know this is from GOD .
Thank you for the clarity and depth of work in this sermon. We needed to hear this. May the LORD GOD have mercy on us.
Great Sermon! I wholeheartedly agree with the first comment. The Lord God is giving the entire world an enforced rest, since most people have ignored and broken the 4th Commandment for so long. And He wants His people to spend much time during our isolation from the world in humble, fervent prayer to Him, confessing our sins and begging for revival in the churches and conversions in millions of unbelievers everywhere.
Thank you for this Biblical exhortation.
Such a timely sermon Wonderful sermon and so timely given the Corona Virus global outbreak. We the people of God have been set aside by the Lord during this period of Lock Down to seek His Fave and pray earnestly for the lost. Those of our own households; our workmates, friends and associates and the people of our land and this world. This sermon preached so sincerely is a must listen in this time of judgement on the nations