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Where will a baby spend eternity?
Created: 5/3/2004 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   In heaven because of 'Age of Accountability' (2Sa 12:23)
  58% | 1,259 votes

 •   To hell because he is born a sinner (Rom 5:12)
  3% | 73 votes

 •   Who can know it? (Deu 29:29)
  25% | 549 votes

 •   Other
  9% | 188 votes

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Survey1/24/09 7:17 PM
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Babies are God's elect

Survey3/11/05 9:19 PM
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Survey3/11/05 8:36 PM
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Survey3/11/05 8:25 PM
Chris M | Australia  
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Survey3/11/05 4:32 PM
Jake | WV  
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Survey3/11/05 4:29 PM
Jake | WV  
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Survey3/11/05 4:07 PM
Jolee | PA  
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Survey3/11/05 3:57 PM
Chris M | Australia  
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Survey3/11/05 3:18 PM
Jake | WV  
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This is for the person who piped in earlier..

Apparently this person thinks all people who have an opinion other than his are wrong. He believes he is the only true intellectual, because he puts down others.

Well, I will admit that if I am strong in a position, I think that if you disagree with me you are wrong. I will admit that. I looked at this persons comments in other surveys, and he is looking down at those he says are looking down.

I just say that I disagre, which means I think you are wrong. I don't just say that to say na na na na na. I say that because I believe it is important to correct someone if I think they are wrong. Not just to get that last word in. The truth is what I am after, and that is what I believe I see in thi subject. Don't just take it or leave it, please search the scriptures and consider it.

Survey3/11/05 3:15 PM
James Shakour | New Hampshire  Contact via email
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Jake, you said:


Jake, no. Paul was imforming us that while the gentiles may not have the law of Moses, they are are still judged because they have that law already in their hearts. Read verses 14-15.

Gentiles, "having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts"

As for infants, who have not yet manifested this law in them, they are not guilty of it. Without this law there is no sin. "Sin is not imputed when there is no law" [Romans 5:13] Paul admitss that he was not a sinner until he had the law came in his life. He said, "For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died." [Rom 7:9]

Survey3/11/05 3:10 PM
jake | wv  
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well, i guess 30 others believe it.

Survey3/11/05 3:10 PM
Jake | WV  
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Am I the only one that thinks this?

Survey3/11/05 3:07 PM
Jake | West Virginia  
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Thank you all.
I am not trying to send more people to hell. Wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and hell hath enlarged herself.
What I am saying is that, it is a false hope to believe unsaved babies and people who aren't aware of the law as we see it will go to heaven.
I think most importantly it is dangerous to think that children, preteens, and some people think that people up to age 20 will automatically go to heaven, because they need to hear the gospel. And without faith in Jesus we would all be most miserable.

Survey3/11/05 3:05 PM
Phone | The Greek  
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Calvin didn't sing hymns - only Psalms.

Survey3/11/05 3:00 PM
Right On | Here  
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No one who has been talking, wants babies to burn.
They would all want them to go to heaven. They would also like for everyone to go to heaven, but according to scripture that is not what is going to happen. It is reality.

Survey3/11/05 2:57 PM
Just in Case You Are Watching | Everywhere  
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No one is saying that they want babies to go to hell. They are just saying that that is true according to scripture.

Survey3/11/05 2:40 PM
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Survey3/11/05 2:31 PM
TJ | SC  
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Another thing about pharaoh, some people race to see which verse comes first in terms of did God harden first or did pharaoh harden first.

The thought that no one has said is that God has known from time and eternity that he would harden pharaoh when he did. He knew that, and he planned it, just like Judas. All for his glory.

Survey3/11/05 2:28 PM
Jake | West Virginia  
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Feel free to email me, if you would like to continue this discussion....
[email protected]

Survey3/11/05 2:26 PM
Jake | West Virginia  
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Does God hate anyone?

Psalm 5:5
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

Psalm 11:5
The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
6Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup. 7For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his
countenance doth behold the upright.

And this, does not make God evil. God has a people, and God has enemies. God is not bound by the term JUSTICE, so that he would like to be nice to everyone and can't. He made the term. He set all this up, full well knowing the outcome, and God is still good, great, and loving.

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