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Which area is most in need of missionaries carrying the gospel?
Created: 8/24/2005 | Last Vote: 13 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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Survey10/10/09 5:32 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Saundersfoot in Pembrokeshire, Wales.

I'm on the move there on Monday and Tuesday - well it takes two days to move by small saloon.

Hope to give out tracts and talk to people about their eternal souls, maybe begin a Bible Study in my annexe. Praise the Lord.

p.s. not me doing the Bible Study!

Check out the [URL=http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/wl/tenby_forecast_weather.html]]]LOCAL WEATHER FORECAST[/URL] for Monday and Tuesday.

Survey1/29/08 4:51 PM
Lisa | Wales  Find all comments by Lisa
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Can i share a good read i had recently-regarding the spirit-(before you jump up and down i know the guy was dissed by the Calvinists-but if you can put aside your predjudice for 2 ticks-its ace reading on the subject of carrying the gospel).

Survey1/29/08 4:51 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by R. K. Borill
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Lisa wrote:
As I revealed-I aint trading on being the smartest tool in the theological seminary box-Im totally confused by your comment-you will have to make it dead plain if you want to me to understand-At present im scratching the bonce!
Gal 1 vs 3
First of all, what is it about Calvinism that you find to be in error besides these "feelings" that you have that it is?

Acts 13:48

Survey1/29/08 4:46 PM
Minnow  Find all comments by Minnow
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I suppose I could say to you don't believe all you hear. But for the true believer it is about the Holy Spirit's guidance being in you, - or not as the case may be.

May God be with you.

Survey1/29/08 4:45 PM
Lisa | Wales  Find all comments by Lisa
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As I revealed-I aint trading on being the smartest tool in the theological seminary box-Im totally confused by your comment-you will have to make it dead plain if you want to me to understand-At present im scratching the bonce!
Gal 1 vs 3

Survey1/29/08 4:33 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by R. K. Borill
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Lisa wrote:
I aint bible college taught-no siree.
I was saved totally at the whim of the G-d of Abraham-(by faith through grace). I done enough study to know about cults (and the main criteria i look for is-the aim to entrap the victim under mans control).
Yeah-the tulip, its good theory-but its skewed ratio preaching (like why is one of the 5, more important than any mystery in scripture???)
I looked at his life (like G-d taught me himself that the only way i can identify another believer is by knowing him and experiencing the fruit of the spirit first hand)-I read in the history books that the guy put folks to death who dont agree with him (is he saved?)
I see reformed churches and i see their attitude towards the Jews is bordering on anti-semitic (spirit of the amelekites).
I left it well alone like-this is bad meat...
I get taught all i need to know by Yashua/Jesus. He teaches me every day what i need to know. He gives me the prayers i need to pray and he answers them.Every day i fall more and more deeply in love with my King-Now you give me one good reason why i need to understand Calvinism-hehe .
BTW-I wouldnt even consider myself a Christian-I am a member of a small sect
What you have revealed here is reason enough. Luke 22:67

Survey1/29/08 4:20 PM
Lisa | Wales  Find all comments by Lisa
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O dear i really dont want to go here, but her i go!
I aint bible college taught-no siree.
I was saved totally at the whim of the G-d of Abraham-(by faith through grace). I done enough study to know about cults (and the main criteria i look for is-the aim to entrap the victim under mans control).
Yeah-the tulip, its good theory-but its skewed ratio preaching (like why is one of the 5, more important than any mystery in scripture???)
I looked at his life (like G-d taught me himself that the only way i can identify another believer is by knowing him and experiencing the fruit of the spirit first hand)-I read in the history books that the guy put folks to death who dont agree with him (is he saved?)
I see reformed churches and i see their attitude towards the Jews is bordering on anti-semitic (spirit of the amelekites).
I left it well alone like-this is bad meat...
I get taught all i need to know by Yashua/Jesus. He teaches me every day what i need to know. He gives me the prayers i need to pray and he answers them.Every day i fall more and more deeply in love with my King-Now you give me one good reason why i need to understand Calvinism-hehe .
BTW-I wouldnt even consider myself a Christian-I am a member of a small sect
Acts 24 vs 5-(by his grace).

Survey1/29/08 4:11 PM
Curious  Find all comments by Curious
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What's an alpha course?

Survey1/29/08 4:05 PM
Minnow  Find all comments by Minnow
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I say again;
Calvinists would NEVER use the Alpha Course. That little beauty is directly from the liberal theology lot like C of E, Charismatics and what not.

If you met someone who said they are Calvinist and did Alpha - Then I can asure you he was not a real Calvinist. Not no way.

As Jesus teaches in Matthew 7
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

There ar many who "think" they are Christian, - BUT are only church goers.

I have met people in churches who claim to be Calvinist and wouldn't know it from a cornflake.

Survey1/29/08 3:52 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by R. K. Borill
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Lisa wrote:
Time for a story from Aunty Lisa...
I had a friend-a dear friend, whom i met under the Lords direction (I had only recently found the cross as a real personal experience)...I was going to run an alpha course (under the covering of a reformed baptist church).
My friend (who was given by the L-rd), was way ahead of me, and he sent me literature about the Apha course. I was sooo angry-Like Nicky Gumbell was my hero, and here was my friend dissing him.
PTL, after prayer i realised the deception.
Fast forward about 6 months. We both got into Calvinism (he more than I), and uhm, i suddenly realised that the alarms that lit up alpha were lighting up Calvinism-(could write a thesis on this but these boxes are too wee). I repented, he did not. He is still theologically expounding Calvinism-by G-ds grace, I am returned to a relationship with the triune G-d of Abraham.
Rev 2 chapter 4...

As I said before, how much do you know about Calvinistic/reformed doctrine?

Jude 10

Survey1/29/08 3:46 PM
Lisa | Wales  Find all comments by Lisa
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Time for a story from Aunty Lisa...
I had a friend-a dear friend, whom i met under the Lords direction (I had only recently found the cross as a real personal experience)...I was going to run an alpha course (under the covering of a reformed baptist church).
My friend (who was given by the L-rd), was way ahead of me, and he sent me literature about the Apha course. I was sooo angry-Like Nicky Gumbell was my hero, and here was my friend dissing him.
PTL, after prayer i realised the deception.
Fast forward about 6 months. We both got into Calvinism (he more than I), and uhm, i suddenly realised that the alarms that lit up alpha were lighting up Calvinism-(could write a thesis on this but these boxes are too wee). I repented, he did not. He is still theologically expounding Calvinism-by G-ds grace, I am returned to a relationship with the triune G-d of Abraham.
Rev 2 verse 4...

Survey1/29/08 3:10 PM
Minnow  Find all comments by Minnow
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Calvinists would never use the Alpha Course. That little beauty is directly from the liberal theology lot like C of E, Charismatics and what not.

Be careful Lisa on what you think is Reformed here in the UK. For example the "United Reformed Church" which recently joined with some of the Congregationalists - are no more Reformed than Rowan Williams is.


Survey1/29/08 3:01 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by R. K. Borill
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Lisa wrote:
As you say-they are mostly Calvinistic/reformed-IMHO this is apostacy-. . .

How much do you know about "Calvinistic/reformed" doctrine?

Survey1/29/08 2:19 PM
Lisa | Wales  Find all comments by Lisa
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As you say-they are mostly Calvinistic/reformed-IMHO this is apostacy-and most of the churches i see around my area are heavily into something called the alpha course or purpose driven life stuff-Apostacy.

If you follow any man other than the Messiah of Israel-IMHO-you are apostate-
I think these churches are wonderful at hermaneutics and eschatological theorising, but at staying in a deep and meaningful relationship with Messiah, being filled with his spirit and preaching the gospel under his annointing-I dont see it happen.
I actually personally only know 1 guy who street evangelises locally (and hes a Calvinist).
From the coal face-i dont think im exaggerating-(BTW, if you accuse a brother of exaggerating you are accusing him of bearing false witness...??).
P.S. I may not be the best judge as i left the local church around 1 year ago!!!

Survey1/29/08 11:52 AM
Protestant from Northumberland  Find all comments by Protestant from Northumberland
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Lisa wrote:
Wales-there is almost 100% apostacy in the local church, and no visible evangelism (not even tracts), in Barry the churches are padlocked...The field are so ripe for harvest...Please come and help.
There are still many faithful men in Wales e.g. Bryn Seion Church Cynheidre (Protestant and Reforming) Authorized Version of the Scriptures Metrical Psalms

Also 5 Free Presbyterian Churches in Wales and many calvinistic independant baptist curches.

Methinks you exagerate as all the above evangelise and give out tracts.

In the north east of England I know of only 2 churches that use the AV, happy to be corrected. A calvinistic evangelical protestant church with a street preaching Pastor that uses the AV? (know of one in Stockton). Any one know of others?


On a mission to plant new churches


But what kind of 'church'? Answers please.

Survey1/28/08 5:18 PM
Lisa | Wales  Find all comments by Lisa
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Looks like your prayer is answered-I think we are to have some street evangelists come -got an email today (and they knew nothing about your prayer PTL!).

Survey1/22/08 6:20 PM
KK | USA .... Veritas Vincit !!!  Find all comments by KK
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Which area is most in need of missionaries carrying THE FULL COUNSEL OF GOD'S WORD ???

................................................ A M E R I C A

America is one sick puppy !!! --- ReLiGiOn in all of its denominationally divided factions has reared its ugly face and men perceive it not...

..................................................... SO SAD

Veritas Vincit !!!


Men love their version of truth more than "THE TRUTH" --- DAMNABLE --- JUST PLAIN DAMNABLE !!!

There is no FEAR OF GOD today in this land !!!

Christ said it best ---

Luke 12:5
But I will forewarn you WHOM ye shall FEAR: FEAR HIM, which after HE hath killed HATH POWER TO CAST INTO *Hell*; yea, I say unto you, FEAR HIM.

FEAR - φοβέω - [*From φόβος (to be put in fear); alarm or fright: - be afraid, + exceedingly, fear, terror.*]; to frighten, that is, (passively) to be alarmed; by analogy TO BE IN AWE OF, that is, REVERE: - BE (+ SORE) AFRAID, FEAR (EXCEEDINGLY), REVERENCE.

"IN" Christ, KK

PS: This is a people who haven't got the sense TO STAND UP FOR GODLINESS --- "WE" have had enough of those clowns in DC and their little game of "Politics" as usual...

Survey1/22/08 3:54 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by R. K. Borill
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LIsa wrote:
No-really im begging anyone who has heard the call to mission consider Wales-please pray about this. We had a revival here (big one) in 1903...We went out the other day with tracts-People were really kind and we were thanked by several little old ladies...Mostly people are cool about it, they really dont bite.But we cant do it alone, we could really do with more hands on deck. The local church has meetings about street evangelism, then they vote, then the project falls through, then there is a discussion-In the meantime how many people have died without getting any instruction the Kingdom of heaven. I have witches operating inside the church hall right in my village. We have medium fayres, New age garbage everywhere...Please please consider Wales as a field ripe for evangelism-Its as pagan as anywhere in Africa!In fact I had a Congolese missionary sent to me a while back and he was overwhelmed by how over-powering the forces of darkness were in Wales (His words were-I cannot believe that this is the land famous for the Welsh revival

I appreciate your concerns for the church in Wales. We shall make that a matter of prayer in our congregation for you and your country. John 14:14
Please pray with us about the church in America.

Survey1/22/08 3:47 PM
LIsa | Wales  Find all comments by LIsa
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No-really im begging anyone who has heard the call to mission consider Wales-please pray about this. We had a revival here (big one) in 1903...We went out the other day with tracts-People were really kind and we were thanked by several little old ladies...Mostly people are cool about it, they really dont bite.But we cant do it alone, we could really do with more hands on deck. The local church has meetings about street evangelism, then they vote, then the project falls through, then there is a discussion-In the meantime how many people have died without getting any instruction the Kingdom of heaven. I have witches operating inside the church hall right in my village. We have medium fayres, New age garbage everywhere...Please please consider Wales as a field ripe for evangelism-Its as pagan as anywhere in Africa!In fact I had a Congolese missionary sent to me a while back and he was overwhelmed by how over-powering the forces of darkness were in Wales (His words were-I cannot believe that this is the land famous for the Welsh revival...)

Survey1/22/08 1:25 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Lisa wrote:
Wales-there is almost 100% apostacy in the local church, and no visible evangelism (not even tracts), in Barry the churches are padlocked...The field are so ripe for harvest...Please come and help.
After seeing some of the changes in the Revised Welsh Bible, I can understand why. Anytime translators resort to gender neutrality in the bible, there is a problem. I am sure you've read the sotory of Mary Jones who walked over 20 miles to purchase a bible that she could read. As a result, the British & Foreign Bible society was formed to get the bible in the hands of the people.

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