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1,077 total votes have been cast on this survey | 222 user comments  ( edit survey )

Are the Ten Commandments Still Binding on Christians?
Created: 11/17/2006 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 10 years ago
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 •   Yes, all of them are binding.
  79% | 849 votes

 •   Yes, most of them are binding.
  8% | 84 votes

 •   No, none of them are binding.
  7% | 76 votes

 •   No, they are just general guidelines.
  2% | 22 votes

 •   No, they are only binding as the Spirit leads.
  2% | 25 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  2% | 21 votes


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Survey3/2/14 9:11 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Nine of the 10 Commandments are still binding on Christians. The one dealing with the Sabbath is not binding on Christians as Christians don't celebrate the Sabbath, which is Saturday but celebrate the Lord's Day which is Sunday.

Survey3/23/10 6:15 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Perk Coffee wrote:
Oh No!! Mike
Even the Word of God makes this mistake you bring to our notice.
Look the "Author" used the indefinite article here and a few other places.
Exodus 35:2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.
Leviticus 16:31 It shall be a sabbath of rest unto you, and ye shall afflict your souls, by a statute for ever.
Do you think we should consult with the Author?

Exodus 16:26
"Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall be none."

Nothing indefinite about that article, Mr. Coffee. In a few other places, too. Finding the definite in the indefinite is so... not definite.

Survey3/23/10 5:27 PM
Perk Coffee  Find all comments by Perk Coffee
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Mike wrote:
Somehow the Sabbath hath gotten flexible. No longer the Sabbath, but a Sabbath.
Oh No!! Mike
Even the Word of God makes this mistake you bring to our notice.

Look the "Author" used the indefinite article here and a few other places.

Exodus 35:2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.

Leviticus 16:31 It shall be a sabbath of rest unto you, and ye shall afflict your souls, by a statute for ever.

Do you think we should consult with the Author?

Survey3/23/10 3:57 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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Wrighter wrote:
But the practical need for a Sabbath is the same in all ages. When we are made to see that the sanctification of this day is the bulwark of practical religion in the world; that it goes hand-in-hand everywhere with piety and the true knowledge of God; that where there is no Sabbath there is at last no Christianity,—it becomes incredible to us that God would make the institution temporary. The necessity for a Sabbath has not ceased; therefore the command has not been revoked. It is a perpetual moral command and moral commands are as incapable of repeal as the nature of God." (Rev R.L.Dabney)
Somehow the Sabbath hath gotten flexible. No longer the Sabbath, but a Sabbath.

Survey3/23/10 12:33 PM
Wrighter  Find all comments by Wrighter
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"Care has been taken to establish this assertion on an immovable basis, because the inference from it is so direct. If the Sabbath command was in full force before Moses, the passing away of Moses' law did not revoke it. If it always was binding, on grounds as general as the human race, over all tribes of mankind, the dissolution of God's special covenant with the family of Jacob did not repeal it. If the nature of the Sabbath is moral and practical, then the substitution of the substance for the types did not supplant it. The ceremonial laws were temporary, because the need for them was temporary. They were removed because the Church no longer required them. But the practical need for a Sabbath is the same in all ages. When we are made to see that the sanctification of this day is the bulwark of practical religion in the world; that it goes hand-in-hand everywhere with piety and the true knowledge of God; that where there is no Sabbath there is at last no Christianity,—it becomes incredible to us that God would make the institution temporary. The necessity for a Sabbath has not ceased; therefore the command has not been revoked. It is a perpetual moral command and moral commands are as incapable of repeal as the nature of God." (Rev R.L.Dabney)

Survey10/16/09 10:21 PM
pilgrimmum | Australia  Find all comments by pilgrimmum
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The Reformers taught well and biblically that the 10 Commandments are binding on all Christians still as this is our standard for sin and that we understand sin by our MINDS! God gave us a MIND to understand His Word. The Holy Spirit illuminates our MIND to understand Gods Word by revelation. This wishy washy current teaching that we are led by the Spirit with no need for Godd Word is heresy formerly known as 'Antinomianism' (against Gods Laws). Somehow modern theology teaches people will obey God in all things without using their MIND that God gave them to understand and comprehend and obey Him? So why do we need our MINDS then? Doesn't the Bible say to RENEW our MINDS to the Word of God and be transformed by it to know and obey the will of God? It is a common aspect of cults that they teach people not to use their minds and think too much but just 'believe and receive'. Sadly however although I enjoy the excellent reformed teaching here on Sermonaudio thay are extremely biased against the Seventh Day Sabbath and any ministers in these Churches. A brief study on the subject reveals that there is no basis for Sunday worship apart from mens traditions and the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church which puts itself above Gods Word. I am NOT a SDA or other ,just believe the Bible.

Survey7/4/09 3:56 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Only nine of the Ten Commandments are binding on Christians. The Sabbath Commandment is not binding on Christians since the Sabbath is Saturday. Since Jesus Resurrection took place on Sunday and since Pentecost took place on Sunday then the Holy Day of the week was changed from Saturday to Sunday.

Survey6/9/09 4:28 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Clearly, the moral substance of all ten commandments is binding in the sense that we cannot ignore any principles of righteousness that appear in the commandments of the Law. But if by 'binding' one means literally binding, then only nine are binding in that sense, since the fourth commandment is of a mixed character. It is ceremonial and moral at the same time (see Calvin,the Institutes). Its 'literal' keeping under the Old Covenant involved abstaining from all servile labor, including household tasks like lighting a fire in one's home, gathering sticks, cooking, etc. Very few Christians today keep Sunday with such strictness, nor should they feel obliged to, since the Lord's Day is clearly not identical in every way to the Old Testament Sabbath. Although the principles of righteousness enshrined in the Sabbath law find expression in our use of Sunday as a day of refreshment and worship, Sunday or the Lord's Day is not (contrary to the Westminster Confession) simply "the Sabbath Day changed to the first day of the week." The Lord's Day is a distinctive observance of the New Covenant, with its own distinctive characteristics. We keep it because of the example set by the apostolic churches, not because of an apostolic decree changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

Survey5/27/09 8:54 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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jago wrote:
I believe we are now free to obey the law of God,
Is that meaning the inverse?
Are you free in Christ to not keep the 1st Law?
So you don't have to love the Lord with all your Heart etc under grace?
So often I hear the statement from christians "We're not under law but under grace" like both are mutually exclusive. These concepts are not polarised but complementary.
Yes we are free under grace but by not keeping the law of God we are either frustrating grace or are liars.

jago wrote:
whereas before we were held under its rule but were unable to obey it.
And still can't, thus the continued need for the blood of Christ ie: no law no sin, no sin no need for sacrifice.

jago wrote:
Did Adam and Noah know the same law as Moses?
Regarding Noah and Moses, what difference is there really? Blood sacrifice was the payment method, and still is and Noah was righteous, because of faith. That which is not of faith is sin.
If someone is convicted to keep a law do not then encourage them to disobey it. You will place a stumbling block in their way.
Those who are strong in their faith should apply the liberty they claim to have to those who see things differently

Survey12/20/08 1:26 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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I found this book by D.M. Canright, former 7th-Day Adventist, to be interesting.

[URL=http://members.tripod.com/~Help_for_SDAs/SDAism-RENOUNCED-by-D-M-Canright.html]]]Seventh-day Adventism RENOUNCED[/URL]

Survey12/19/08 6:52 PM
Moral Order | UK  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Moral Order
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Matthew 5:17-18 KJV Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Did heaven and earth pass? are the ten commandments merely an encapsulation of the Mosaic Law (which Christ says won't go until heaven and earth pass
away (which has not happened)?
Was the veil rended in two? Because that means that the 'ceremonial' law was ended by His sacrifice; but what of the rest? How *are* Christian men to live if not by the guidance of the Mosaic Law? Christ says the law is not ended - so no murder, no usury, no sodomy - where else are we to refer?

Survey11/23/08 3:29 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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This forum is very helpful to me, as I am currently trying to get my head round this subject.
Some have said that the new birth is evidenced by the writing of God's Law (10 commandments) within the heart, which leads to a changed life, where the commands are not grievous, but deeply loved and enacted out. Amen to that! Even though I fail to do it.
BUT I am still justified, of course. It is eternal life that Jesus has given me, and the gifts and calling of God are 'without repentance'. That is, God does not change his mind or revoke that justifying grace.
There are some here who say that in scripture, Sunday is referred to as 'The Lord's Day'.
Oh, sure, I used to think that too. But there is no evidence of it at all.
And so I rather think that God is displeased, although gracious, about Sunday being used worldwide as the day for corporate worship, when all the time it is a flagrant breaking of his own law and principle which he set up in the Eden Garden and wrote on stone at Sinai. Every instance of regular public worship in the New Testament was on the Saturday (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday).
If any can convince me I am wrong in this thinking, please use only the Bible for your argument.

Survey11/8/08 5:11 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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We have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. Romans 7:6

Survey9/22/08 9:57 AM
MJI | N. Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by MJI
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Christians are not bnd by the ten commandments!! We are free from the law!! Praise the Lord. The ten commandments condemn us, they show us are short coming and how very far from perfection we as people are, Christ died so that we could be forgiven and if we are saved then the law does not condemn us!! though we are not free to live as we want. Paul stated should we sin so that grace may abound? God forbid!! we are to use the commandments as guidelines and rules for our living but we are in no way bond by them!!

Survey8/13/08 12:45 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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If God writes His law on your heart, you will gladly keep his commands. This is the main evidence that a person has been born again. If one doesn't keep His commands, then they are liars and the truth is not in them ( see I John)

Survey8/11/08 12:37 AM
Henson | Vanuatu  Find all comments by Henson
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Paul Forrest wrote:
Thanks, brother, for your input and encouragement.
Yes, God tells us to do something like this, and we must try! Yet, we know we won't manage it, and we confess our failing to our Father.
But the OT law of God demands perfect obedience, or you die. I'm glad I'm not subject to that! The Christian has perfect righteousness: would anyone care to try and improve that by law-keeping?
Perhaps the issue can be looked at like this: advocates of the Law have to believe that, when the Word says we are DEAD to the Law, it means we're dead only to some of it! For example, the Law told the Hebrews to keep ALL the Sabbaths, not just Sunday, but how many Christians do that?
(For the record, I think Sunday is a great day to set aside for the worship of God. It's called the 'Lord's Day' in scripture. I refuse jobs on that day, not to earn merit with God, but so that my worship is not infringed upon. Churches watching sport in church on the Lord's Day saddens me. I try to avoid shopping, but I'll buy diesel (US: 'gas') if I need to.)

Survey6/19/08 10:16 AM
Matthew Oakley | South Korea  Find all comments by Matthew Oakley
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Acts 15, first church council. Nothing binding upon gentile believers except "to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality".

The doctrinally correct answer to this poll is that we follow the Spirit, not a written law.

And I'll bet most of the 80% who voted that the 10 commandments are binding do not abstain from blood (in their juicy steaks!)

Survey6/18/08 4:26 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Are these the laws written on the hearts of Christians?
Did Adam and Noah know the same law as was given to Moses after God had brought the people out of slavery?
I believe we are now free to obey the law of God, whereas before we were held under its rule but were unable to obey it.

Survey6/6/08 8:14 PM
Nathan | Australia  Find all comments by Nathan
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I cannot understand for one second how Christians can say not all ten commandments are applicable today. That is tantamount to choose your own religion.
1. The Sabbath was kept on a Saturday up to around 200AD when there came a sudden shift to Sunday.
This is clear from the Apostles keeping the Sabbath on the same day in the scriptures with the Jews.
2. The change came because a. The Jewish Leaders made a curse found in the Talmud saying any none Jew keeping the Sabbath (on Saturday) should be killed. b. The church was undermined by the mystery cults and changed it to the days associated with Sun worship.
3. Having said that consider scripture stating "one man keeps one day unto the Lord and another man keeps all days unto the Lord." On this matter do not forget the law of love. I think setting aside a day for God is very important. What day that is though is a moot point.
Technically Saturday is still the Sabbath, but is worship on Sunday worshipping the Sun? NO! Just as worshipping on Thursday would not be worshipping Thor, or worshipping on Saturday would not be worshipping Saturn. All days are dedicated to pagan gods by pagans. For me all days are unto the Lord. I though am also trying to encourage my family to keep Saturday aside as a day of Godly investment and reflect

Survey4/21/08 7:50 PM
Icon O'Clast | Oz  Find all comments by Icon O'Clast
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Be careful with that one. We may now have the Lord's Day on Sunday - but it is still the Sabbath. Sabbath is not just a creation ordinance, it is also a salvation ordinance. It is binding on all creatures for all time, but it is especially binding on God's redeemed people.

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